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Any way to increase view distance in single missions?

Started by Knight, March 18, 2004, 12:34:41 PM

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Yes, I will get clipping, moreso in MP, than in SP/IA.  

You can convert km and miles with a factor of km = 1.61 x mi.  And yes, 4km is 4000m, which is ~2485mi.   (base starter is 1 inch for every 2.54 cm)


one vary importent map making tid bit.

For a normal map this should always be true

Visibilityrange > Maxfogrange

If its not vary strange cliping and even map instability may result.


Visibilityrange > Maxfogrange

That's what I stated in my 2nd post,  but I guess I'm too wordy.   :D


After testing; my upper limit is 800 meters for vis ranage and i set the fog at 780 850.
 It's not infinite range but it's quite far and i end up being surprised how close i am to things such as my base or the enemy's. I guess the fog makes you feel the maps are bigger than they actually are.
 Are there any other cool console commands (not cheats, i hate them)


Yes those only work for single player.

You worry me when you say you set the vis range to 800 and then max fog to 850

you just broke the rule I stated above. Max fog should always be lower the visrange.


I worry myself sometimes Silver,
 I'll re set my fog to my vis.
 Wierd how it now makes the maps look a lot smaller.