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1.3 Final: Wish list . . . add yours too

Started by Knight, March 20, 2004, 05:45:27 AM

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QuoteHmm... It just occurred to me that in revealing such, I'm most likely entitled to no glory wut-so-ever if anyone else creates effects based on wut I've just said.

*quickly steals bh's idea and sells information to the nazis*

:lol: hehehe sucker

Black Hunter

Re: Sloar's post...

The Sabre shaped shockwave can be textured according to the existing UVMap coordinates already in the mesh, though there are limitations in the area of sub-objects, for only the lower body and fins showed up. The pillars and toroids I messed with could not be decorated in the same way because of the lack of UVMap coordinates. Anyway, for anyone who wishes to play around with custom explosions meshes, here's the entry I used for the tank-shaped explosion.

simulateBase = "sim_null"
lifeTime = 5.0
renderBase = "draw_geom"
textureName = "ivtank00.pic"    <---Textures can be either PIC or TGA
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
startColor = "255 255 255 255"
finishColor = "255 255 255 0"
startRadius = 1.0    <---This acts as a scale modifier. Same size as the vehicle.
finishRadius = 5.0    <---This acts as a scale modifier. Grows to 5 times the size.
animateTime = 5.0
geomName = "ivtank00.xsi"

The end result is described above, and it fades as though it were the cloaking effect from The Red Odyssey. The entry should be fairly self-explanatory, and you could play with the colors with or without the textures. I'd provide the meshes for the other explosions I mentioned, but I've since lost them, and am currently occupied with a couple other small projects I need to finish or get started with.

Now, another couple things on my wishlist to keep this post on-topic...

One of my favorite effects in BZ1 was the continuous beam used on weapons like the Flash Cannon, and I think the red aiming laser would be a good place to start if (re)implementation is given the go-ahead.

The cloaking ability was also something asked for not only by myself. I'm not sure if it has already been done for Avatar's mod and/or BZRAP, but I think it is worth considering.



If anyone here can find an mp3 decoder in C++ not under a license/patent post it up nathan would most likely include it. the problem is mp3 is a patented file format and most of the time you must pay to use a decoder for it.


How about an "allow pause" option for multiplayer.  Sometimes nature calls at precisely the wrong time, and others don't mind waiting. :lol:

Unless there already is a way to do it, then please just tell me!


ya, pause button... i thought about it just few days ago but totaly forgot about it

anyways i think that each 1 will have 3 pauses - and only the host can break it...

and ppl will be still able to talk... like the pause in SC, that could be great

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

everyone would have to agree to pause, and it should have a little box saying who has not 'paused' the game and who has, just a list ofplayers ingame +  a  ' P ' sign for those that have.

And the abilty to make a continious beam weapon BZI style would be lovly.


there is 1... but u cant use it on strat... its only on dms.... hmm how is it called...
dont remember..
heres andother idea though...

make the rocket bomb available from armoy IF u have tech...
reduce the range to hmmm 150 - 140?


I find the idea of pausing the game in multiplayer laughable, no offence to anyone.

In DM Volcanoes, there is a weapon called "Flash" which fires a continous beam.  I think it is a cannon class crate.


I saw it once, I thought it wasn't that much a beam but a repeated blast, and I think you can come pretty far with only that, but you'de have to go in 0.0000001's thus dramatically overloading your system (I think).


Quote from: Black HunterRe: Sloar's post...
The Sabre shaped shockwave can be textured according to the existing UVMap coordinates already in the mesh, though there are limitations in the area of sub-objects, for only the lower body and fins showed up. The pillars and toroids I messed with could not be decorated in the same way because of the lack of UVMap coordinates.

There are texture-mapped spheres (mire, bane, etc.) and cylinders (cbhangp2, desmlh01, etc.) in the original pak, although some have other parts attached...

QuoteThe cloaking ability was also something asked for not only by myself. I'm not sure if it has already been done for Avatar's mod and/or BZRAP, but I think it is worth considering.

Nope, and in discussing it with Ken I got the distinct impression that it would require much more effort than he was willing to give it.  It's not fair to ask for something so potentially imbalancing anyway... If I need it for an SP mission there are other ways (DLL) to simulate it.

While I'd LOVE to have the Cloak recreated I never did like it.  Seemed way too unfair to me in TRO.  Thank God the AI never were able to use it properly, as it would have made them invincible against other AI.


Jwk the Hemp Monkey

the ablity to make VIR phantom look more like something out of the Predator Movie....and fully customisable, so for example the Hadeans could have a 'phantom' that looked different, but was actually serving exactly the same purpose....

Oh, and as you run out of ammo, the phantom graphically becomes less and less affective (although stratigically its identical to what it is now)


Or, once you run out of ammo it doesn't work any more but starts to reapear slowly, same counts for cloaking/uncloaking, that would be nice, but not something to focus on, I think we should stay sharp on what's important, though, wrighting up such things is good, sharing ideas is good, right?

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

When you are low on ammunition like that, the phantom shifts 'on /off' for split seconds as you regain your ammo, spend it, regain ammo etc etc...so the graphical affect would have every time it 'blinks' on and off, the image of the ship would judder...enough to make missiles miss, but not enough to fool a human opponent.

Which reminds me, there should be a 'minimum ammunition spend' feature, meaning that you can only spend so much ammunition as it recharges, this might help with lag a bit.

i would make it '1' or mabey '2'...you recharge at a rate of 5 normally anyhow.


There are a few things I would love to see, but I doubt they would ever get implemented.  The first thing I would like to see added is some kind of blink indicator that will show you where you are blinking to on the minimap.  This would be useful when blinking long distances.  The dropoff nav graphic would do the job pretty well.

I would love to see a Service Power under the ~ command for service trucks, similar to the construction rig's rotate function.  When you select a service truck, then you hit 3 for service, ~ would change from "select unit" to "service power".  This would help out scions if power lungs showed up under the service power menu since they don't show up on the service menu.  You have to manually point and click on the lung in order to repair them.

A final feature I would love to see implemented is a refresh command for a unit's attack/upgrade/service menu.  The player can do this by hitting esc when a service truck is selected in single player.  In multiplayer this is impossible unless there is something I am missing.  The ability to refresh the list would be useful.

I would also love to see the console command fixed.  Because the command includes the ~ key, the game pulls up the nav menu whenever the console is opened then closed.  I think the same occurs when you order the construction rig to rotate a building.