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1.3 Final: Wish list . . . add yours too

Started by Knight, March 20, 2004, 05:45:27 AM

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If I had one MAJOR wish fullfilled it would be for the current "Morph" to be more than just a different form of "Deploy", but rather tied in with whatever code handles "Upgrade".

That is, when you 'morph' a ship it would actually become something else.  This would allow multiple morph states (light/medium/heavy) or class changes (walker/hovertank).  It would be, in effect, the same thing that Scavs do when they deploy on a pool.

That way I could finally get my flying Maulers...   :)


(which is, of course, the final thing needed for world domination...)


Fly, my pretties!  FLY!


I'd like to see 1.3 taken out of beta and declared official...there are still some minor problems, but I think it's as good as it's reasonably gonna get....which is pretty damn good.


I'd like to see the 1.2 games taken off the 1.3 Multiplayer Server List. >_<


Turn off poweruser from the gamepref.ini file.

BZ FeebleEffort

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I would love to see 'dust trails' that were linked to how high a vechile was above the terrain, and the terrain colour.


i would love if it was possiable giving your team m8s constructors :s


I think there is a mod that allows that but its a limited version of the constructor.


I would like BZ1 style alliances :D
(not pre defined...People come and go.. players want to break off a join a friend etc)

undeployable production fac's(just a reverse anim of it deploying....)

multiple recyclers/factories/armoys/ auxillery misc production buildings :P

oh, and lets not forget... Tieing the visual model back onto the hit boxes..


You can Ally in BZ2 Strat now, but I've never done it.  What's different than it was in BZ1?

Undeployable Production Facilities are now possible.  Just 'upgrade' them into the mobile form.  (thanks Ken!)  It's slightly klunky in that you need a Constructor to do it, but that's how it's working for my BZ1 units.

Ken discussed allowing 'specialty' Factories something like the Bomber Bay, that allow/create special units.  He didn't get around to it, though.  It would be close to having multiple Factories without the quick FKey interface...

Building collision boxes can be tied into the visual model just by removing the collision__h object (and having the other proper odf entries).  The visual model as collision object is the default, the rest was added to minimize engine strain.   Vehicles are another matter.  (Kencodeâ,,¢)



Avatar, You cant UNally OR Forge a new alliance once IN game.. =(

in bz1.. you could

nathans point of arguement was back stabbers =(

haha when have i been or have back stabbed in bz1......

hell in bz2 your ally could see you fit with no recycler and run into your base and own it.. in bz1.. 3 key strokes and your defences would be on his ass.. not that defences actually did anything whatso ever in bz1 >:o

all the better for Dynamic alliances in bz2 instead of Static alliances..

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I agree, breakable in-game alliences should be apart of the game. '' but back stabbing is bad''...yes...its bad, but it is also another stratigical factor to deal with, which is good.

I would enjoy a game where I can

A) trust that i will not be backstabbed because i know the person, this would be a good expience ingame

B) have the fear of back stabbing

It should be implimented.

Also, the 'undeploy' funtion...does it work with recyclers? If so, some of theFE single player maps might need a lil bit o editing.


this UNdeploy... when i heard it was put into the game was just having the building disapear and spawn a vehical recycler.. or the constructor did it.. either way i havent looked but after reading knew it just would cut it in terms of prostetic apeal...

Does the building currently "deconstruct" style undeploy? into a vehical

i dont see how hard it would be to make the build/deploy grahpic go perfectly reverse...



Quote from: AvatarYou can Ally in BZ2 Strat now, but I've never done it.  What's different than it was in BZ1?

I just played a few of these today, and it's REALLY fun.  Especially if one teammate is scion and the other ISDF...you can cross fertilize the upgrades to make some truly frightening machines.

Blast Maulers are just plain SCAREY.


I'd like to see MPI with multiple commanders, and free-for-all strat with computer opponents.  Ummm... well, they'd probably be the same thing. :lol: