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1.3 Final: Wish list . . . add yours too

Started by Knight, March 20, 2004, 05:45:27 AM

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Constructor can upgrade the recycler back to a vehicle, but the DLL has to know about that. The recycler can then roam around again just like at the start of the game.

This is assuming the recycler has the upgrade option in the ODF.


I know 1.3 changes the editor, but i would like to know if it adds another view mode.  There is already plain, wire, color (wire), and hight (wire).  I remember, with my almost null experience editing the editor, i made another button that made the red and green of is the land flat show up.  Will this be in the 1.3 editor.  If it isnt, can someoun put it in.

I think the pbuttins turn on view modes, 0, 1, 2, and 3.  And that what i am talking about is 4 or 5.

Click on the image...


It already is :D . It's that diamond in the middle of the other switches.


Quote from: deadscionIf I could wish for something it would be a few more options to make the game something a little closer to what everyone likes.

Take all the main subjects of conflict on 1.3 and make them options so almost everyone could enjoy  1.3 as much as they have 1.2

very well said


How complex would be the insertion of an mpi camain, were anyone who has beten the mission, or is at the misson in the ladder can help or play against another player?

If this is possable, the use of a cpu to fill in the empty spots would also be nice.

Is it even possable, not nessesarily for 1.3, but ever?
:D  :-D  :-)  :)

Click on the image...

Black Hunter

Following up on my last batch of suggestions...

Among them, I forgot to ask if the engine flame effect could be made to play as a permanent effect, perhaps to replace the puffs which are played on the dropships. It would be really great if flames could be always on for VTOL-type craft that use large thrusters instead of anti-gravitic fields to stay aloft. In fact, it would be really neat if the flame effect could be used on more than just hovering ships; there are flame meshes on the APC, Bomber, and Comet torpedoes, but they don't seem to be active in their stock state, and would look great if activated.

Oh, and while I have yout attention, I got another couple things on my mind.

-Can the the appearance of the mesh that gets tossed around (Right after the first, primary detonation.) when a unit is destroyed be disabled? If so, how? If not, could such an option be considered for implementation, because it's absence could be substituted with custom primary detonations that spew out vehicle pieces on a ship-by-ship basis. Granted, a lot of work would have to go into making making the debris meshes from the existing XSIs, but I think BZ1 styled destruction could potentially make a comeback. :)

(The debris would be ballistic sprites substituted with the debris XSIs in much the same way as the custom explosion meshes mentioned earlier. I'm not sure if the xplExpire flag works in this area though.)

-Could a weapon class that homes in on either or both (This could be determined in the weapon ODF.) the building and unit with the most hit-points be created? Wut I had in mind was a kind of Ball Lightning weapon, most likely used by the Scions, that homes in on wutever would most likely get struck by lightning during a storm, which is more often than not, are larger/taller, more sturdy objects.


Something I realised could be great. A special option in the odf's of units. It's a bit difficult to explain but I'll try. You have the factory that can produce a tank, you have 3 kinds of tank, warrior, sabre and Xares, so you could change the entry in the factory in tank0#1-3 wich would randomly load a tank named tank01, 02 or 03. Whithin the tank there is pilot01, 02 or 03 depending on witch kind of tank it is in, the names loaded for thge sounds also have 0# and allow you to use like, TankAttack01.wav, 02 or 03, depending on which kind of pilot is in the tank. How does that sound like?

APCs r evil

The only real wish i have wanted ever since i started playing bz2 would be that the scion stronghold (or maybe the overseer array) would produce pilots like the isdf training facility does.  :-(


QuoteSomething I realised could be great. A special option in the odf's of units. It's a bit difficult to explain but I'll try. You have the factory that can produce a tank, you have 3 kinds of tank, warrior, sabre and Xares, so you could change the entry in the factory in tank0#1-3 wich would randomly load a tank named tank01, 02 or 03. Whithin the tank there is pilot01, 02 or 03 depending on witch kind of tank it is in, the names loaded for thge sounds also have 0# and allow you to use like, TankAttack01.wav, 02 or 03, depending on which kind of pilot is in the tank. How does that sound like?

Why not just use a drop-down menu to select variants of that unit/class, instead of relying on frustrating luck?


1) Bring back thumper (my topic)

2) Rail-gun class wep (hits someting and goes thru it)

3) Visibility range bug fixed

4) Dead nav bug fixed

5) Better weapons explosions ( I would like a weapon's render effects to do the damage, not just some mysterious damage field).

6) More than 5 hardpoints per vehicle.

7) Cloud layer (Like in bz1)

8) Better music

9) More than 16 audio channels

10) More weapons available

11) Slighly more maneuvarble craft

12) If possible, have vehicle weapon animation (Like in pilots)

13) Fix maps that av when run in the editor.

14) Dedicated servers

15) join servers that arent your version and have maps you don't have so you can get to talk to a friend.

16) Send messages to a server when you are outside of it.

17) Option to ban players.

18) Be able to host 14-player maps in 1.3.

19) More units

20) Remove or greatly lessen the "red screen" effect when hit.


Quote from: Total Oblivion Omnis17) Option to ban players.

That function already exists in bz2 1.3 & i'm not talking about the banlist in the gameprefs.inf
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.

Tempest Storm

And there is a maximum of 64 sound channels...


QuoteWhy not just use a drop-down menu to select variants of that unit/class, instead of relying on frustrating luck?
Because then it wouldn't be exiting see what ind of unit you will get, but yeah, maybe a sub menu is a better idea, it's mainly the variating pilot thing, and thi system would work just the same with sub menu's because you can have ivxares0#(0-5), ivtank0#(0-5) and ivwar0#(0-5). 0-1 being human (male/female) 2-3 being scion (male/female) 4-5 being haedean (male/female), this all in a confortable sub-menu, same system, used differently.

Another thing I would like to see is being able to implement a routine at the end of an odf, this way you could have something like this: (some new commands)

[routine,main,0,true] (don't mind the order)
getCurrentObject,1 (objects being controlled by numbers)


this routine would make the pilot crouch when under attack.
Other possible things would be

Opening a factory door when it finished building something

Odering an object to move out of the factory in a straight line while being aircraft.

Having a factory change it's build hp when building certain objects, maybe even changing build-effects.

Swapping weapons pack by pressing a key

Opening doors by pointing them.

There are many other usefull things modders could do with this, some of these things are already doable in normal dll but this would reallt increase the confort of dll writing, map making and such things.


Quote from: Tempest StormAnd there is a maximum of 64 sound channels...

Oh, well then, perhaps there should be an option in the options menu to make it go beyond that.

Tempest Storm

The reason why you only see 16 I guess is because your sound card can't support it. BZ2 will make the max amount of SCs you can enable depending on your card and how many SCs it supports, but 64 is a cap that you can not surpass at all. Anything more than that would be cool, but hardly nessesary, my max is 30 SCs and I barely even cap that when ingame.