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Satchel Charge in MP

Started by Giguana, March 16, 2004, 04:28:36 PM

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Jwk the Hemp Monkey

You need to play that FE single player mission to understand what i mean.

in that mission you picked up a 'special' weapon for your 'special' hard point. And you got only one shot, reguardless of weather or not you recharged your ammunition or not.

This 'shot' planted a little device...and the mission contintued.

I am saying something similar could be used in MP 1.3 games.


ooo ya ya i remember... not exactly but ya - i remeber...

and i did finished the FE sp :s

Zero Angel

Yeah, but have you tried it in 1.3? :shock:
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I am at the moment totally focusing on 1.3....

but i cannot wait till its finished so that i can start on FE rev.d :D

and...the cerberi...argh! KEEP THEM OUT OF MY BRAIN


no cerberi... no cerberi...  :D

anyway i think the laser-spotter thingy would be good to have.

might be a bit too devastating though...  :s


just did the missions again.. and one of them err dont remmeber exactly.. the one u need to get 3 pools and explode isdf building with manson..

anyways i sniped a sentry from the side and just hoped out near the gurdiens at the 2nd biometal pool deplyong tons of satchel charges wich did a great job.. also.. on start i deployed tons of satchel to where the scions are coming from (the 1st few waves) and the satchel just owned all of them....

i also used some satchels on the GS's on the way :lol:

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Quoteanyway i think the laser-spotter thingy would be good to have.

might be a bit too devastating though...

Nah, if you had read my previous posts all the weapons would have the same damage properties and would be strategically identical. However, the graphical affects, the weapon names, and the general fluff would be totally different.

The ISDF would have a small thermonuclea device that could be more powerful, but most of its space is taken up with 'stealth' technology to prevent it from being instantly destroyed.

The scions would have a 'virus node' that takes a period of time to analyse the Bio-genetics of the surrounding base, and attacks it.

And the Hadeans would have a 'target aquisitor' that helps a mega-beam in orbit sync its beam though the atmosphere and any ECM equipment a base might have so that it can accurately fire its beam.

they would all do the same damage / slpash damage. They would all require a one-shot special hardpoint and would not be 'setable' bye the consoles. Only available as a pick up able weapon.


Quote from: PhoeniX-FlamEi dont remember which mod had it... but a bomb from the armory...

if u could make that only it'll land faster or maybe just apper there then it can be good... since it cant recharge by just getting ammo / hopping in / out of vechile

That was the Uller. You could deplod the day Wrecher Bomb at any target, and it would launch from the armory. Very cool.


"Snatchel charge ey? I dont know...we dont want 'tribes...the remake'"

yes we do..

imagines bz2 theme in tribes2.. starts to drool.. imagine recyclers having sheild doors and accessways inside its bowles? where you could satchel a scrap silo or a healing generator :O

hell i bet sum1 could make a UT level inside a isdf recycler :P