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Wobble kill and hover killing in 1.3

Started by Michael, March 21, 2004, 02:16:50 PM

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Apparently you can still wobble kill and hover kill turrets in 1.3. The turrets do not have a higher arc or will not use the higher arc. The gun towers will not shoot at enemy ships until the person has wobble killed it or hover killed it.

The scav issue that I had posted about before is a major problem in games.

Some please respond about the scav issue and let me know that a dev is on it.

Check the arcs again, this guy I was playing against was hovering above the turret and the turret was looking at the ground, I told the turret to hold and it did nothing.



Quote from: MichaelThe scav issue that I had posted about before is a major problem in games.

Some please respond about the scav issue and let me know that a dev is on it.
What scav issue?  Please point me to that post or you can re-elaborate here.



That's a strange one alright.  Seems to be based off lag.  If it can be reproduced, then there's a chance of it getting figured out, if not already.


Actually technoid it has been reproduced. I was in a game on the moon shroud, and AV got into a scav and tried to deploy it at the base pool. Same thing happend to him that happend to me on the big moon map. So it definatly does happen a lot.


Good.  Hold on to all the details then for the devs to look at.  Does the log say anything peculiar as well?


I am not sure how to read the log, but if you tell me I will be sure to save it.

However, who are the devs, who should I be telling? Because I have found some other stuff too, like an pathing AV . . .


Several of us have run into the pathing AV.  Just posting the AV won't help solve the problem.  The devs need to know how to cause the AV so they can see what is going wrong quickly.


I know what hover killing is...but what is wobble killling??


quickly jostling left and right to avoid guntower shots.


OK....now i got something to call that strat :-P thanks a lot


Quote from: DarkFoxquickly jostling left and right to avoid guntower shots.

When did things like this become bugs? IMO its just something someone skilled at the game is able to do..


skilled? clicking A and D does not require skills

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Thats like saying pressing down the mouse button to win a dogfight doesnt require skill.