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(Suggestion) To be able to have a larger mini-map/radar

Started by Artighel, March 21, 2004, 03:32:48 PM

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Actual computers play BZ2 to at least 1024*768 resolution. But at this resolution and above, the mini-map or radar appear quite small and isn't very clear to use. For instance, the navs numbers are very difficult to read when navs are enough close on the map ; units and players locations aren't enough accurate on a so tiny map ; during dogfights, because radar is very small, moving spots are quite hard to follow on it.
Should be cool to be able to enlarge the mini-map/radar (2 or 3 times bigger) to make them more readable and thus usefull.
If it's possible to increase the definition of mini-map bmp, it would be definitely great. I don't know if it would demands a lot of work or not, only GSH and Ken could answer to that I believe :)

PS : Nathan and Ken, please be back to these boards... we need your thoughs about (suggestions) and (bugs) and we need to know if v1.3 will be worked on further or not !


I would love to have a user-selectable radar/minimap size, as well as fontsize for ingame messages, especially now that GSH removed the upper resolution limit.  Computers will only continue to get better and we may all be playing at 1280 soon.  :)



Does this look like the feature you want?  This is from gameprefs.ini.

// Values used to reposition the mapradar onscreen. Width, Height
// should be self-explanatory. For the positioning, it takes the
// screen size, multiplies that by the multiplier, then adds the
// diff. That is treated as the top-left coord, unless that would push
// it (partly/fully) offscreen, in which case it's treated as bottom
// and/or right, respectively. Experimentation should make this
// clear. Two sets of values exist, one for play and one for the
// editor.

Play_MapRadarHeight = 128
Play_MapRadarWidth = 128
Play_MapRadarXMult = 0.0
Play_MapRadarXDiff = 30.0
Play_MapRadarYMult = 1.0
Play_MapRadarYDiff = -10.0

Edit_MapRadarHeight = 128
Edit_MapRadarWidth = 128
Edit_MapRadarXMult = 1.0
Edit_MapRadarXDiff = -30.0
Edit_MapRadarYMult = 1.0
Edit_MapRadarYDiff = -10.0

// Same as above, but for the 3D cockpit radar. [applies to play &
// editor, actually] You may need to keep the aspect ratio constant
// here; if not 1.85:1, the XSI may need tweaking
Play_CockpitRadarHeight = 140
Play_CockpitRadarWidth = 260
Play_CockpitRadarXMult = 0.0
Play_CockpitRadarXDiff = 0.0
Play_CockpitRadarYMult = 1.0
Play_CockpitRadarYDiff = 0.0


Damnit, Commando beat me to it by a few seconds. Oh well :p


Quote from: AvatatComputers will only continue to get better and we may all be playing at 1280 soon.
Av, I already am :D . As a result, I've had to redo the entire HUD (to my liking of course). This is an old picture and much has changed since but the map is still the same size.

This is one of the newest pictures (Warning! 1280 x 1024). I'm currently working on the last config file which is also the hardest :bla:. I started a topic @ TD to see if I could prod TV into maybe doing BZNES for 1.3 and it sort of evolved into a HUD modders showcase :twisted:  .


yeah playing at 1600 by 1200 at 70 fps is sweet let me tell you.


Quote from: SilverB1rdyeah playing at 1600 by 1200 at 70 fps is sweet let me tell you.
Yep, it does.  The greater the visual clarity, the closer computer [3D] games will become even more realistic, barring any current system/network bottlenecks (which will eventually go away or get faster).  You should be able to go higher in resolution, such as 1920x1444 or 2048x1536, providing your video drivers and hardware (or successful hacks) can implement them. I've only gone up to 2048x1536, but that was years ago on my Matrox card.  My current Ti4600 card can't seem to "hack" it to that level.  I may attempt reinstalling the Matrox just to see BZII at that res (or maybe not, heh).


Very sweet...

Too bad it's not adjustable via the ingame menus, more people might know it can be done.


Then again I'm a button-junkie.  I love options to the point where it gets annoying...



Ok so I tried to play with mini-map and radar coordinated to best fit with the 1024x768 resolution. Here they are :

Play_MapRadarHeight = 256     //default x 2
Play_MapRadarWidth = 256      //default x 2
Play_MapRadarXMult = 0.0
Play_MapRadarXDiff = 30.0
Play_MapRadarYMult = 1.0
Play_MapRadarYDiff = -5.0       //default + 5

Play_CockpitRadarHeight = 210     //default x 1.5
Play_CockpitRadarWidth = 390      //default x 1.5
Play_CockpitRadarXMult = 0.0
Play_CockpitRadarXDiff = 15.0      //default + 15
Play_CockpitRadarYMult = 1.0
Play_CockpitRadarYDiff = 10.0      //default + 10

The result is great : both mini-map and radar are far easier to read and use, as they are with the 640x480 (but who wants to play in this basic resolution ? :) ).

Maybe we guys could find the best setting for each standard resolution (800x600 ; 1024x768 ; 1152x864 ; 1280x960 etc...), and then communicate them to Nathan in order him to put them in his hard code ? We all want that v1.3 FINAL be perfect !

I particularily think about newcomers who discover BZ2 and immediately choose a high resolution (old game... high res :) ), they could not pay attention to the unreadable mini-map/radar... would be too bad.


Here are screenshots showing my minimap/radar size & position settings, to best fit to 1024x768 resolution :


hoping it will work this time (sorry for the double post :) )


Quote(but who wants to play in this basic resolution ?  ).
Me :).
FPS is king in FPS games. I still play glquake in 640x480. :)