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Solution to warp is server setting MWF = 1?

Started by aougli, March 23, 2004, 10:12:18 PM

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I was planning on setting up a poll about this, but I've never done one before and I can't see the buttons...

I have yet to get a negative reaction to setting the server MWF to 1.  I've asked about the warp, and no one has any complaints, basicaly only positive or no comments.  Seeing as people tend to complain about almost everything, real or imaginary, and they don't, even when invited to complain, I take it that this is a positive result.

Has anyone with a 1ghz+ CPU with graphics settings on medium or lower, had a bad experience in a team strat with MWF set at 1?  I was fine even at higher MWFs but I am usually server, so I'd be interested in hearing about client experiences.

These games are always team strat, a mixture of broadband and dial-up, and a mixture of N.American and European players.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey


I havent had any problmes with mwf 1 and i too find it less warpy. im on a 256k dsl conection on a 2ghz+ cpu. Graphic options are all on high(though 1.3 auto adjusts them right?) and im using 640x480 res
Also im in brazil so my pings are usually around 200-300


Here are what I can say about MWF :

I believed that a powerfull computer (Athlon 2600+ / Radeon 9800 / Average FPS under BZ2 between 60-150) could handle MWF = 1.
But I hosted a MPI game - MWF 1 - on a large map (Canyons) with two or three other internet players, and enemy computer units suffered warp, enough annoying when aiming.
After, I hosted a 2 vs 2 strat game with MWF 2, and it worked flawlessly, without warp.

So the conclusion is :

MWF = 1 must be ok for deathmatch
MWF = 2 must be ok for strat (only humans), maybe 1 (need to be tested)
MWF = 3 or 4 must be ok for MPI (I think there will often be little but limited warp during MPI - due to vehicules number and AI scripts).

Could be cool that each player (equipped with fast computers/graphic card = FPS > 60) experiment these hosting values and give their result concerning warp occurrence or not.


Quote from: Jwk the Hemp MonkeyI do would rather it were 2 personally.

I have tried hosting with MWF at 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  MWF of 1 gets the best feedback from people after the game.

I have a 1467hz AMD Thunderbird with 768mb RAM and use graphics at 800 x 600 16 bit with medium settings.

I think AI warping is a slightly seperate issue from human players warping.


I have yet to play a human strat / DM with MWF1. I hosted a few with MWF2 where warp was hadly noticable.

As for MPI games I assume MWF2 is the best even with decent hardware, I tried MWF1 but people kept lagging out.

One problem might be the dynamics of cpu load. My stats might show 80 FPS for most of the game but as soon as a flock of APC attack my PC waves the white flag (FPS drop below 20 and gfx autoswitch to emergency settings for a few seconds).

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I would just say 2 to be on the safe side, if all the players are powerful computers with broadband then its a definate 1.


I understand your point about powerful PCs, over 1ghz, though that is probably mid-range these days.

What's broadband got to do with it?

Dirty Rooster

In 1.3 I've had low-warp experiences with mwf 1 and 2
as a 56k joiner.
At mwf4 and above I have had more warp.

We know MPI puts far more strain on the server's comp,
and probably on client comps too.

APCs cause huge strain, pulling fps down from 80 to 10
in no time, even just 3 of them hitting a base.


Broadband has nothing to do with it. I host strat games at MWF 1, and they're fine.

MPI games are a completely seperate issue, since they are *FAR* more taxing on the cpu, and as such I'd advise absolutely no lower than MWF4 for mpi... I'm not the best source of advice for MPI games though, because I hate them and haven't played any for years.

I've been in a 7-player game of aougli's with MWF1, and with 5 players on one team (something lots of people worry about). There was the odd bit of warp, but nothing at all serious... It was one of the nicest strat games of BZ2 I've ever played.

My conclusion? If everyone's computers are over 700mhz, then MWF1 is the best setting.

oh, and:
QuoteI have a 1467hz AMD Thunderbird
Jesus, I didn't realise they still made computers that slow... A 0.001467 mhz thunderbird? Wow...


Yeah, my Atari 2600 is faster than that.  :D



That computer is powered by kerosene fired live steam!