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Instant actions game : same AI than in MPI games ?

Started by Artighel, March 25, 2004, 02:17:09 AM

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In v1.3beta :

For a given map, do single instant action games use the same AIP file than MPI games ? In other word, is the computer AI able to do the same things and have the same efficiency in both Instant Action and MPI ?

Other question, in the server advanced options : why the "Human Team Turret Skill" isn't set to the max setting by default ? I believe this parameter have always to be set to the highest value, because it's so easy (for experienced players at least) to destroy a turret than this unit must be the most challenging possible (I talk about strat game for instance).


Turrets were another touchy balance issue...  very heated arguments ensued about how good they should be.  Lol, you can almost tell what caused the most trouble by what is and isn't a server option.  I'm sure a 'Vet' will come along shortly to elaborate.

In short, both Turret and Service Truck skill levels have a critical impact on Strat gameplay, and as such were left to the Host to set up before the game.



Yes, both Instant Action and MPI use the same AIP files.
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.


turrets in strat game makes alot of difrence... just look at ZST and 1.2

huge difrance...
do i realy need to explain why? :roll: