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1.3 HUD Issues

Started by RubiconAlpha, March 06, 2004, 01:02:36 AM

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Speedy, You think that's in the way, what's that make this? :D


Don't laugh...I almost like it  :lol:

I see you got the fonteditor to work.  :cool:

Nice change to "command" (oops "group" of course) keys BZZERKER.

Will the fatter hull gauges drop down to new line after more than five units or did that you have to create a new line?

I haven't messed with that part...yet.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Thats the kind of view a Cerberi would have :) Thats if they see normal vision 'at all'.


I didn't at first but.......it kind of grows on you. You have to play a few IA games to get used to it. I'd hate to have to try and get used to it in a strat :shock:  :lol: .

That program is a snap to use. Just didn't know it existed.

Thanks :) . Those are actually the "group" keys. The new hull gauges were a PITA. Each 1 has to be spaced in the cfg. Stock "size" on them is (2, 5), I went with (8, 8 ) which are much easier on the eyes @ 1280 x1024. I was able to bump up the size due to my use of a resized "colorize" file graciously provided by ZA (for those of you wondering). I was also able to add a few more things to the colorize file without problems.


Which cfg file has to be changed to get these hull gauges?


Quote from: GJCWhich cfg file has to be changed to get these hull gauges?
That file is "bzgame_group". You may have a very hard time increasing the size of the hull gauge with the stock size colorize (128 x128). I had to resize mine to 190 x 190 at which point everything else goes haywire. Eventually even 190 was not big enough for some "newer" things I wanted to add. I'm currently @ 384 x 384 with plenty of room to spare so I doubt the file is going to get any bigger. What I'm trying to say (in a rambling sort of way) is, things are not as easy as changing a few #'s here or there. As RA said before, it's a very tedious process. OH YEAH, beware of "ColorGroup not found" if using BZNES files :lol:  ;)


Haha thats insane! Might be good for those complete-night maps. Like almost no ambient light at all except the light you get from your ship. Perhaps you could see shadows of the landscape :).

Btw RA it works great and looks the way yours does. I'm gonna mess with it because I play at 800x600 (you can actually read things).


Great Speedy...

Glad it works now. Hope to see how 800x600 looks after you tweak it.

I'm guessing the map and radar had to be huge at the resolution... :D

If you would still like to host my current build that would be great as well.

My zip file wasn't user friendly from what I've heard from a few.

File path info was incorrect. If you could host an improved zip so someone could just extract directly to their BZ2 root\addon that would be helpful.


If you wish, send them to me and I will make two version's, one of a zip, all they have to do is extract to bz2 root folder, the other will be a simple installer, put in bz2 root folder, it extracts it correctly to there.  Would be very simple to do, only take a few seconds.

Zero Angel

Night maps would be cool! Well, if the lighting on the units was any good, I think the lights are too weak to be useful, also, it wouldnt be a good idea for multiplayer, because someone need only turn off 'lighting' for the map to become bright as day for them.

You're better off darkening the terrain manually  if you want it to look night-ish (best way is probably by using winter on your map to make color adjustments). Of course this comes with problems, namely bright objects on dark terrain :-(
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{bac}Zero Angel
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