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Thanks to the map makers!

Started by wug, March 25, 2004, 10:44:36 PM

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Maybe someone has already done this in a previous thread, but I'd like to thank the map makers that contributed to the 1.3 effort.

Not taking anything away from the great work Nathan and Ken have done, but it seems nobody talks about the new maps, which I think adds a lot to the replay value.

Cheers! :D


Glad you like the new maps\models we created.
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.


thanks greeny! except for those stupid statues!



Death to the statues!!  


(they're not so bad now that I know they're there Greeny)



:lol: Yes the statues are really disturbing. Looks awesome for the rest.

Dirty Rooster

I hate the statues.
They were fine in the new 'stock' instant, the snowy one with
both dummy and real statues, but they are rubbish just
stuck into green/brown maps.

Some of the maps have harsh viewdistance/fog boundary,
very amateur.


Since DR has brought up "Sub Zero" (the snowy one), what race are the statues from?

I like the buildings on that map as well.

If they have been featured before I must not be remembering well.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

your dead right. The race that built the ice buildings and such, are never mentioned.

I am thinking Olympians? Hadean crown?


I love the highmidlow map made by appel. It's quickly become one of my faveourite maps in the game.


Yea I like that map too, slightly too big though. Should have been a bit smaller. Moonshroud always rocks, its my favorite map (DF's). But I can really play any map.

The Statues are cool except they have way too much armor.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Moon shroud is my fav as well.


I should do more than IA then.