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Confusion on behalf of the editor.

Started by BZDraconian, March 27, 2004, 12:01:09 PM

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Zero Angel

Why not simply duplicate bzone.exe as bz2edit.exe then break a critical piece of the multi code?

Using the editor for missions was a good way to find out how things work, not to mention being the most fun cheat there is; I would give away all other cheats (stealth,radar,body,tnt) for the editor back, so I can move myself out of harms way one second before I die 45 minuites into a mission. If the editor didnt exist at least for SP, I probably wouldve gave up FE my first time through because of the (then) insane difficulty.

Heck, i've even used the editor in MP a few time (private game) just to find out how things ticked or to test a new unit in an MP environment (with a friend who I sent the unit to)

In the two and a half years that i've been playing BZ2, competitive strat editing has never, ever, ever been an issue. I'm not sure what DF, PF, TV, WD, Jwk, Aeg or anyone else who actually plays MP Strat (on a regular basis) thinks, I can only speak for myself.

But yeah, i'm sure a lot of people would be okay with the bz2edit.exe thing if the bugs were fixed (sound DOES matter when creating and testing units, weapons, buildings) and it could run DLLs and other scripts.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

i my self have never been in a competitive edited MP game.

However, if the editor does not function as well (if not better) than what it did in 1.2 (and atm it really is crap) then Rebalencing the FE single player campaine (with 1.3 AI!)


Its going to be a massive undertaking as it is, but without a fully functioning editor (1.2 or >) then it will be beyond the man-hours available from the community, imo.


I played a lot of the single player missions, and I found them easier in 1.3 for some reason.  I don't know why, but completing "Into the Fire" in 1.3 wasn't hard at all when I was testing the FE Save Game AV during 1.3 beta testing.  I loaded FE because there was a change in 1.3 that fixed FE's save game AV.

Zero Angel

1.3 FE was a little harder for me, because the AI aims accurately, so the old send like 20 xypos at you and you still live tactic in 1.2 FE is a noticably harder in 1.3 FE.

If I wanted to have a go at rebalancing for 1.3 FE, one of the first things i'd do is adjust enemy craft to fight very evasively, aim somewhat human-like (overswing when target changes direction, then slowly catch up to an accurate lead, to prevent wobbling and predictable strafing in one direction as being valid tactics) then i'd have 'em send fewer AI units at you, because obviously fighting a horde (which was probably set up that way to make up for poor AI) would be near-impossible with the better AI. It would actually take a lot of dogging skill to kill 2 cerberi fast-movers who double-team on you.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


just wanted to say, on my last post, for some reason the other day I wasnt able to see posts past a certain point and that was the second time I posted like a DAY late.



Sadly whenever GSH says something, it's usually said in unbendable, indestrctible charachters.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Just because the files are staying seperate doesnt mean there is not a solution to the problem.


Quote from: Jwk the Hemp MonkeyJust because the files are staying seperate doesnt mean there is not a solution to the problem.

Thats right, now all we have to do to solve that problem is to find a/some programming guru(s) that would be willing to smash bz2edit and bzone together.


Without the source? Good luck.

People are starting to sound whiny again. It's not gonna happen guys. Deal with it. I would much rather be assured the the guy I'm playing against is not cheating than make my modding life (at best) marginally easier.


Bah, youre probably right (tho I did hear somewhere that flying was added to 1.3).


Not only do the respective executables not include runnable code to do either the mp, or the editor, they are compilied differently as well, it is essentially *impossible* to ever get them to coexist without recompiling from source.