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(Major bug) Join-leave a game then host a new = jerked game.

Started by Artighel, March 30, 2004, 01:51:11 AM

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I think I've put the hand on an important bug. Try the following operations :

- launch the game the go into the multiplayer menu
- try to join a game (full or not) on the internet
- if you succeed to enter the game session menu, leave it ; otherwise you have the message "connection refused"
- now host a game : choose a deathmatch map with 2 bots (multiworld set to 1 to be sure there will be no warp)
- play the DM game against bots

You likely notice that the game isn't totally fluid. The units movements are jerked, sometime they are like warping (little frequent teleportations). But it isn't warp, because you'll notice your ship movements are somewhat jerked too. It's like a regular beat which causes a mini-freeze every seconds or more frequently.

> This bug doesn't happen when I launch BZ2 and then I host a game (in this case the game is perfectly fluid)
> This bug also occurs when I join-leave an internet game and then I host a LAN game (so it isn't linked to a connection problem)

Later if I have time, I will try to post videos to show this bug.


I find that happens whether or not I'm in another game first.  For me, that happens a lot, not just in the particular circumstances you describe.


Aougli, I don't talk about general unregular framerate : I have an excellent framerate in BZ2 (> 100 FPS with a few vehicule or buildings on the screen), so I can immediately notice this bug when it occurs. It doesn't reduce the framerate, it causes leaps (IA vehicules movement leaps and own vehicule movement leaps)

- if you launch BZ2 and immediately after if you host a game (internet or LAN), this bug won't occur
- we only need to join an internet session, then to leave this session, then to host a game (internet or LAN), to make this bug happen

I believe that, after joining then leaving a session, BZ2 doesn't free all the net connection trafic or something like that.


Here are 3 videos showing the issue :

- First one, pay attention to the mtr bike movement leaps (looks like warp) and especially notice my own ship movement leaps at the end of the video :


- Second one, notice the ISDF tank movement leaps :


- Third one, notice my own ship movement leaps :


In the begining of each video framerate is reduced from >100 to 15 FPS, because I use FRAPS to make videos (set to 15 FPS).

I repeat this bug DOESN'T HAPPEN if we don't join-then-leave an internet game before hosting a fresh game. It does mean that, inside the same BZ2 session, joining a game have a bad affect on following game hosting.
Is there someone to confirm this bug occurs on his computer ?

Dirty Rooster

Art, you foolishly assume Aougli was talking about framerate.

He wasn't..