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Mission 11 On Thin Ice

Started by Der Vampyr Engel, April 08, 2004, 07:06:01 PM

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Der Vampyr Engel

That mission has become super difficult and how comes you can't edit it? as most of the other mission are there that you can edit them ? I mean mission 11 in the editor is not Mission 11 in the game I can't find it anywhere in the editor to edit, is this hardwred into the game now?

It would be nice if you could edit it or at least deploy the recycler, make a base and a few units and then underpoly it so you can make a decent convoy to defend it, It that possible? seeing as you haven't got the the thumper or any such wonder weapon just trying to get through with my sabre and the scout plus the turret seems  extremley difficult I simply can't get through, It's OK for the Warrior and the Sentry but then I get at least 6 or seven enemy AI. units come through including a very good lancer  :o


got it on 1st try... bomb ur dropship with the satchel.... and after deploying the rec deploy the turret on the pod bay! just feed it with pods whenever theres an attack till u get gts and more turrets


Tempest Storm

On Thin Ice is the 11th ISDF mission, but The 10th and 11th missions appear to have been switched during development. In other words, isdf10.bzn is the 11th mission you are looking to edit.

Der Vampyr Engel

Excuse me Phonenix , thats what I do still get the swarm I am playing 1.3 by the way. OH YOU feed it more service pods on the Rec? I might try that (Can't see it making much off a difference) but I will try it

Der Vampyr Engel

Thanks Tempest Storm I will try it


QuoteI might try that (Can't see it making much off a difference) but I will try it
In single player missions it makes a *massive* difference.

In multiplayer it can be very powerful too, especially if your thugs know how to pick up pods while it's there, without ramming and damaging the turret. It's best as an early defense against scions, since it can't be flarebombed this way.

Der Vampyr Engel

Sorry Dark Fox but are you really trying to say that 1 turret can take out 7 ships, I don't think so, yeah maybe one or  two but no all seven and not unless the turret is already depolyed before the recycler is at the Drop Point , I think you need at least two more turrets there then you can handle the swarm not just one turret

I take your point that the turrets can make a massive difference but not just one turret, you need a few hell if my ship is armed well enough I can take out a turret on my own in a Sabre or Warrior


I lost the AI scout while moving the rec across the ice, so I had only 1 turret and my ship with which to defend the rec and transport. I built more turrets as soon as I could, but for the initial rush 1 turret was enough.

Are you actually destroying the dropship that you crash-landed in? (You don't have to, but it makes it much easier if you're having problems fighting off the scions)

Der Vampyr Engel

No sorry don't agree unless you send the turret and the Scout to the Drop Point first and even then it would be hard as you still have to deploy the Recycler get the pods out plus scavs and more turrets And yes I destroy the Drop Ship Every time.

Because I tried it  although I only sent the turret ahead not the Scout but still got a swarm because my damn recycler doesn't deploy as soon as I tell it it cuts out after I tell it to deploy so have to order it to the Drop Point after it has followed me most of the way.

Der Vampyr Engel

Anyway you say the intial rush do you mean when you get 2 warriors and 2 Sentries coming in pairs or when you get the 5 Warriors 2 Sentries and a Lancer because the attacks also varies.


Either rush isn't too hard for a highly experienced player. Build the turret pods and it won't die if you do a bit of distracting. Then utilising weapon-switching you can use AT stab, minigun and mortar simultaneously to destroy whatever waves they throw at you.

If you can't do it, just stop playing on HARD mode DVE.

Der Vampyr Engel

What is that supposed to mean? I never claimed to be a highly experienced player (only really started playing this again recently) not only that I simply don't believe what you are coming out with plus I wasn't playing on HARD mode it was Easy mode and Medium mode I tried it on and tried most of everything you said , sometimes kept my tank sometimes didn't but that's not the piont the turret didn't take out as many ships as you are trying to make out it does.

I ususally go for the Lancer while my wingman goes for whatever and gets destroyed in the process, and I start to crank the pods out but one occasion the turret still hadn't turned up to the point, most of the other times the turret dispite me telling it hasn't deployed on the bay  and as for the transport well  ususally I tell the scout to defend it but the scout manages to get destroyed somewhere along the line.

Plus I haven't tried it on Hard yet

Anyway I see in another thread there are highly experienced players getting the same thing and getting the same type of problem


Why don't you just turn a cheat on for a minute? If you can't pass it fair you just don't, why stop having fun just because you can't pass one little point?

Der Vampyr Engel

Na I want to do it to say I did it I am like that , if I turn the cheat on I just feel I didn't learn anything, just cheated and I got through most of BZ2 by myself so since I clocked BZ2 1.2 loads of times I want to clock BZ 1.3 the same way Huscar


Sure then DVE... Call the experienced players who try to help you liars. Refuse to believe that anybody can accomplish anything that you personally can't.
If you keep trying like you have been doing eventually you'll improve enough to do it, and that alone will prove us true.