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New 1.3 features

Started by stinky, April 11, 2004, 07:53:12 AM

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I remember posting earlier on about attempting to get commandable pilots in bz2. I remember someone said it was made possible in 1.3, but I'm stumped as to figure out how its done. Do any 1.3 guru's know how to work it out?

I figured out how to get unique customizing panels in factories and recs. For odf files beginning with "a" their customize panel file would be "aweapon".......and the pattern goes on for every letter of the alphabet.

Also - I'm trying to think of how to get more than 1 pair of treads on assaulttank classlabels. Just like the Gorgon, Cerberi Rec....and some other hadean tanks. I tried hunting around for an XSI to have a look in threed to see how its done, but I could only find MSHs. Could anyone show me how to get it working in threed?


Quote from: stinkyI'm trying to think...


OK rephrased......I'm trying to get more than 1 pair of treads.....just that I don't know how to actually get it working.


There is only 1 pair. That one pair just LOOKS like two or more.


OK - so physically it can't be done, but how can I MAKE it look like it has more than 1?


When you model the left tread model it with TWO visible treads.

Then do the same with the right.

That way it looks like four.

For six, model the left and right treads with THREE visible treads and so on.


Cool, i'll give that a try and see what I get. Thanks Wz


Is there then someway to "fuse" a copied tread from a scavenger to the original one? Giving them the same name maybe?
How about a tread consisting of both left and right? Something for a motor bike: can't turn on the spot, when turning while moving forward you don't see any difference in the animation of the tracks. I know this sounds like a hovercraft that isn't able to go over water but I don't know how to make it not go over water (if I knew I wouldn't have this problem).

Tempest Storm

To make Pilots commandable:

canInteract = 1 // can interact using the reticle
isGrouped = 1   // add to a command group
needGroup = 1   // need free group to build
isLimited = 1   // add to the limit count
needLimit = 1   // need free limit to build
canDetect = 1   // can attack other pilots through attack command


If TS doesn't post a solution for my prob nobody will, oh well it was worth trying. Any way to make a specific hover unit take damage when in water? Maybe making it do damage but not if you hover high enuf above it?

Tempest Storm

DLL is probably the only thing that could do that.


OK I gave the extra pair of tank treads a go - still bugging me only ONE set shows up.

So far I have it laid out as below:

Frame frm-main_body
  Frame frm-tread_l                      (for the first set)
     Frame frm-tractor_l
  Frame frm-tread_r
     Frame frm-tractor_r
  Frame frm-tread_l                      (for the second set)
     Frame frm-tractor_l
  Frame frm-tread_r
     Frame frm-tractor_r

I have also tried:

Frame frm-main_body
  Frame frm-tread_l                      
     Frame frm-tractor_l                 (for the second set of actual animation)
     Frame frm-tractor_l                 (for the first set actual animation)
  Frame frm-tread_r
     Frame frm-tractor_r                (for the second set)
     Frame frm-tractor_r                (for the first set)
  Frame frm-tread_l                    
  Frame frm-tread_r

Do I need to extend the "tractor_x' to cover both the areas I want with animated treads? If so how would that be done in threed, if possible at all?                    

Here is a little bit of junk I whipped up for testing this out (for some strange reason geocities says 'treadtest.xsi' is an invalid filename, but I can upload 'treadtest.zip' without any troubles). You will need to copy the text below and paste it into your browser's address bar to get the link to work [geocities issues].



You want ONE of each that LOOKS like two. One object, two "visual items".


CmptrWz is right, you will need to weld the two objects together so they are only one object,but look like two seperate objects.

Frame frm-main_body
Frame frm-tread_l
Frame frm-tractor_l
Frame frm-tread_r
Frame frm-tractor_r
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.


To weld 2 objects and make them one - how can it be done in threed or wordpad?

The only programs I have to use for editing xsis are Wordpad and threed. I don't have the slightest clue as to how to edit xsis through wordpad, but I'm trying to learn by editing existing xsis in threed and comparing the two.