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Organising games

Started by Spawn, April 18, 2004, 01:56:25 AM

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Because it seems that there are much less 1.3 games at any given moment than 1.2 games, and most of the ones going on are mpi, would anyone else want to try organising games?  Not on any type of stric basis, but you could post here that you were going to host a game in a few hours, so that, hopefully, more people would show up.  It would be a much better time window, and much easier to access than starting the game and looking at the server list.  So, what do you think?

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Around this time of year 'all' gaming goes down. Mabey its because its spring, mabey its because everyone is working really hard mabey its these and lots of other factors. But the number of hours spent playing video games drops down round about this time of year. In the summer and during winter is when it picks up again.


I'll try to post custom games and a link to download the map the same day the game will start. I just can't host 8, and thats all that seems worthwhile.


I've been playing roleplay-based collectable card games online with people, hence my inactivity in the zone. Yes, I am *that* sad...


i've never tried it, but i might be able to host 8.  there mave never beem that many people about...
speaking of 8 people, would anyone want to try the 8 person ffa that aegeis made?  I've played it with 4 people, but it wasnt very interesting (each had 6 pools, one person died instantlly :twisted: ) Its at http://www.cutrzedge.net/user/Plutobash313.zip


Ask aegies to host it and round up the players.

I seem to be one of the few types who still enjoys the old BZ1 style of non team based strategy.


Aegies, would you be willing to host it?  We could ust the experimental recycler with zst gun towers and turrets...of we could use a recycler that looked like a scav...i could modify that and make it if someone would be willing to use it...please?