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This Community kills itself like no Other I know.

Started by Knarly_Death, April 26, 2004, 11:52:16 PM

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I come back here every so often to see how things are going and it frankly makes me sick.
You get some guys that try to be the voice of reason and then you have a guy post right under him... "Hovering should be an option"
I really can't believe it.. If GSH and Ken do one lick of new code, they should get a friggin medel...

I don't care if this is inflamatory.. Frankly I'm ashamed of you guys.  Don't you realize what kind of a gift this is?  Don't you realize how much this could benefit you?  Can't you guys just DROP IT!!!

WRITE YOUR OWN GAME IF YOU DON't LIKE IT!!!   There is so much good here that you guys are tarnishing with this drivel.. Someone creates a thread to thank Ken and GSH and you guys end up asking for hovering... I just can't believe it.  

Sure people are playing FE and whatnot... They like the new races.. Do you realize that 1.3 gives you so many more options in that arena?? Do you realize how much your losing by trying to gain something that is so TRIVIAL.. Step back and look at what you are doing...

If you want to fly.. play 1.2 great have a good time... Please Please stop asking for it and bitching and complaining about 1.3...  

Its' amazing to me and I'm frankly disappointed and disgusted... I was hopeing to see some amazing things with 1.3... I certainly have seen that... Great job with the update.... But the most amazing thing I have seen here are the so incredibly ungratefull people that play this game.. And you can't be young kids cuz this game has been out awhile....

I just can't believe it... Disappointment in you guys can't even express how I feel... and if this is 1/10 of what GSH and Ken are feeling than I can't imagine them putting more effort into this project... Which is a crying shame when you guys could have had these guys getting excited about finishing and tweaking the patch.... Instead you have them leaving....

Just forget about it... let it go.... Appreciate what has been done because it is unprecedented ... To bad it is equally unapreciated by these few who virus this board and bring it down so well....

I know that not everyone has been this way.. I'm frankly talking about the people who frequent this board and are so intent on cutting off their nose despite thier face....  And to think they don't even realize what they are doing.. They just go on.. "It would be fair"  "It would be easy"  "IF some of us like it than why don't you listen to me?"
"Why am I so stupid that I can't realize when someone is doing something nice for me and I don't realize that I am alienating those very people and if I keep it up I will get these guys to do absolutely NOTHING on this project which will kill the amazing potential that 1.3 has if things were discussed which actually MATTERED to someone other than the few of us who like to hear ourselves talk and who get off on punching holes in someones project that they have been working on in their spare time for years which doesn't mean anything to me becuase I'm a nimrod and why don't you do it the way that I WANT it even though the developers said that it was a bug, but I don't care why don't you do it my way and and and
DROP DEAD ... get a life... go someplace else if you don't like it... Stop bringing up that it would be nice to... but I want... Why would you take it out becuase it so easy to put it in CRAP....
PLAY 1.2... Leave those guys alone... do us all a favor... please....

GEEZ this whole situation makes me mental....



And yet the other BS continues.

Nicely stated Knarly but a total waste of time.  The whiners have pushed GSH into a very bad place and what could have been a major boon to the Community is now fading away.

Sad, very sad.

The worst thing is none of them seem to even realize what they've lost...



Indeed its another topic like this however hasn't anyone noticed that its not the vets making these topics anymore?  Please.  Other gaming communities have their complaints with patches or what have you and the developers listen to what *their* players want and give it to them to a certain degree.  Look at the development of Battlefield, Warcraft just to name a few popular games.  Yes *some* vets went off the deep end and voiced their opinions, but all that has stopped.  The 1.3 bashing has basically died down *ALOT*.  So, some of us are on a vindictive warpath to make 1.3 even more for non-vets.  Oh well.  

Some of us rely on the "I don't care" philosophy, well guess what, it works both ways.  The vets of this community decided *they* don't care either, about 1.3 or any other effort put into it because clearly they will never get back what they have gotten used to after all these many years of playing.

I won't front, I started screwing around with the 1.3PB after Natty released his G66v2 to the public because I thought it would renew an interest in *atleast* mpi players.  Heh, I hardly see any games played nowadays except by some newbie clan called the ~OC~ or something like that and all they play is regular mpi.  I won't front either that when some of those 1.3 specific mods get released I'll download them and try them out because I want to support their efforts.  I want to support the developers efforts too but their *get back at them* attitude is disgusting.


I'm afraid that whatever 1.3 could have been is over.  It was bashed to death before it was ever given a chance to develop.  Nothing left to see here.  Leave your flowers if you brought them, but then move along.



well said, all of you.  just, lets not start this again.  its already been done over and over.  Please, nobody else reply to this anymore.


Some People Need to learn when to STOP the flaming because it doesn't serve the Community any good when this topic has already taken place many times in the past. I think everyone is already SICK of these type of flaming threads.
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.


Can we lock the topic?  That would be great, and maybe move it to the OT section or something, I agree *ALL* has been said enough times already.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I hate flying, always have...but i also hate the way GSH treats people, and i respect that other people have the right to enjoy the game just as much as me.

Guess thats my soundbite, please lock.


Yep, another thread dripping of vitriol.  The people who believe that nose-hovering (flying) is not a "perversions", are not the reason for 1.3 dropping like a lead balloon.

Those that think that flying should be an option are the voice of reason.


The bz community isnt just on this board though is it, i find the topic title stupid for a gaming group that has been ongoing for so many years with such a small number of players, First time i read a bz2 community is dying mustve been over 4 years ago.

why dont we all just get out and do some gaming and have some gdamn fun.
As for posters that come back occasionally to then post topics like this, well should they even bother coming back eh seems they just stir even more trouble up.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I have always hated flying, i consider it disrespectful to the other player to use an exploit....but even i can see having it as an option is reasonable.

90% of vet games have ' no flying' as a rule anyway...having it as an option would mean that 90% of vet games would click the 'no flying' option...

alls well.

APCs r evil

Quote from: AegeisHeh, I hardly see any games played nowadays except by some newbie clan called the ~OC~ or something like that and all they play is regular mpi.

I'm not certain but I think that ~OC~ is a BZ1 clan, other than that bit of input I won't get involved.


we bashed 1.3 before we gave it a chance?

hmmm riiiiight...