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(Medium Suggestion) Shields and Snipers

Started by APCs r evil, April 29, 2004, 03:01:39 PM

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APCs r evil

I didn't know what to call this along the lines of minor tweak or bug so i just came up with the name it's called now. :mrgreen:
P.S. feel free to give me a new name idea.

Why don't shields stop sniper bullets, or in the case of scions, beams? I mean shields are supposed to absorb or deflect damage and if the bullet gets through the shield I would think it would be weakened enough for the hull to be able to stop the bullet or beam completely without damaging the pilot, or would doing this raise a balance issue?

Zero Angel

Deflection shields deflect shots only VERY slightly. For example, if you hit the edge of a deflect shild with a chaingun round, it will arc ever so slightly away from the center. Sniper bullets travel so fast, they aren't really affected by shields.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
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{bac}Zero Angel
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APCs r evil

They actually DO deflect projectiles? :shock: I never noticed.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

This might be an idea......

Is it possiable to make sheilds take damage from a weapon, and then deflect it off...like a smaller version that does less damage...And its properties are determined by the % damage it does to the subject.

APCs r evil

But what about absorbtion? I wouldn't think it would deflect projectiles but absorb them to do something like restore ammo slightly.


Statisis: Doesn't absorb or defelect blasts, just has a protection effect.

Deflection: Diverts most damage of projectile weapons away from the ship

Absorbtion: Makes beam weapon's damage spread over the entire craft (doesn't absorb blasts).


QuoteDeflection shields deflect shots only VERY slightly. For example, if you hit the edge of a deflect shild with a chaingun round, it will arc ever so slightly away from the center. Sniper bullets travel so fast, they aren't really affected by shields.
ZA, you're getting shields mixed up for sonic wave. Shields don't deflect bullets at all (Yes, even deflection shields), they merely reduce the damage you receive from certain types of weapons. In fact, a lot of people posting in this thread seem to be a bit off the mark, I'm surprised.

Statis slightly reduces kinetic weapon damage, and significantly reduces energy weapon damage.
Deflection Significantly reduces kinetic weapon damage.
Absortion *Severely* reduces energy weapon damage.

Kinetic weapons are things like miniguns, chainguns, SP stabbers, mortars, and certain explosions.
Energy weapons are things like laser, blast, iongun, plasma and certain explosions

A good rule of thumb (Not a perfect one) is to treat stasis shields like light armour, and treat absorbtion and deflection shields as heavy armour against their target weapons. Since most kinetic weapons (miniguns, chainguns, SP stabbers etc) have a lot of armour penetration, deflection shields tend to be less effective than absorbtion shields (lasers and blasts are crap at armour penetration).

ps. Shields *do* work against sniper shells. Sniper shells are kinetic weapons. Strangely for kinetic weapons, however, they have *zero* armour penetration.
They do full damage to absorbtion shields, half damage to stasis shields, and zero damage to deflection shields.


Quote from: DarkFox
QuoteDeflection shields deflect shots only VERY slightly. For example, if you hit the edge of a deflect shild with a chaingun round, it will arc ever so slightly away from the center. Sniper bullets travel so fast, they aren't really affected by shields.
ZA, you're getting shields mixed up for sonic wave. Shields don't deflect bullets at all (Yes, even deflection shields), they merely reduce the damage you receive from certain types of weapons. In fact, a lot of people posting in this thread seem to be a bit off the mark, I'm surprised.

Statis slightly reduces kinetic weapon damage, and significantly reduces energy weapon damage.
Deflection Significantly reduces kinetic weapon damage.
Absortion *Severely* reduces energy weapon damage.

Kinetic weapons are things like miniguns, chainguns, SP stabbers, mortars, and certain explosions.
Energy weapons are things like laser, blast, iongun, plasma and certain explosions

Quite the quote :P, but anyway, what kind of explosions would be kinetic?

Tempest Storm

Quote from: DarkFoxps. Shields *do* work against sniper shells. Sniper shells are kinetic weapons. Strangely for kinetic weapons, however, they have *zero* armour penetration.
They do full damage to absorbtion shields, half damage to stasis shields, and zero damage to deflection shields.

He is talking about how sniper rifles can still penetrate a ship and snipe out the cockpit I belive.


Salvo rockets hitting the ground do more damage to absorbtion shields than they do to deflections.

Yes, that's it as far as I know. There's a weapon called 'tronic' that does the same, but it seems to be unused in the game as we know it.


They may have tiny neutron explosive packages in them.

Zero Angel

Damn, i coulda SWORE that i seen chaingun rounds arc off the edge of the shield.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

it woudl be cool if sheilds reacted to different weapons slightly differently. It would also be good if if you get hit by a 100 bullets the sheilds dont cause graphical lag.

APCs r evil

Ok I seem to have misled some of you in my first post, what I meant was that shields should render a ship unsnipable.

Tempest Storm