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(Medium Bug) AI wont initiate combat when...

Started by Jwk the Hemp Monkey, April 26, 2004, 02:07:04 PM

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Tempest Storm

The Hunt Command can be done with DLL though now with 1.3, Defend on the other hand can't.


what did the defend command entail? is it like the hold position command in bz2?

Tempest Storm

No...its where a unit is told to defend a unit. :P


I think I read somewhere on ZA's site that if you tell combat units to defend a unit without weapons they wont attack, or at least certain classes wont attack.


a following unit will do what the unit its following does...

defending unit will follow the unit he defending and will shoot w/e shooting it (not sure what happens if you dont attack the unit its defending but attack it... i think it'll attack if u attack him)

Der Vampyr Engel

The defend command was good you ususally had the 3d cursor there and you could put the 3d cursor over a unit press the space bar and the units would follow and protect , also you had a defend command which ususally had thr Recycler and the facory and armory to protect and I think with a little dll tweaking, could have a mission , although the same system the units don't really protect properly

You know I would rather the early type of A.I than the BZ2 A.I becauseI think the A.I isn't aggressive enough and can't really initialize attack even in 1.3 it doesn't really get going untill you order it I personally would like the "Hunt" command back so you can simply have all your A.I automatically attack the other A.I near the base , far better than to alway's have to odrer the A.I to attack specific targets and then watxh it stop and tale a beating from the enemy A.i untill you have to order it to attack another part of the base, . The aggression has improved in 1.3 but still  possibly the range does need to be widened as I still think the A.i still doesn't react to enemy A.I aggressive enough.