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some SP problems with 1.3

Started by gormenghast, May 13, 2004, 01:02:14 PM

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Hi folks,

I've got one problem in Mission 8 of the sp campaign.

Have played it through to that point in V1.3 without any crashes or anything but now it is impossible to load savegames of that mission since it freezes during the loading screen and I have to reboot.

Then I reinstalled it in a fresh folder and patched to 1.2, thinking to cheat me up to that mission using "ai.winmission", which was not accepted. Are cheats not working in 1.2? And what shall I do now?

thank you in advance.


The cheat is game.bzwinner if I remember correctly.


I thought it was "game.cheat bzwinner".


game.cheat.bzloser might work.  :D


it's game.cheat bzwinner (win the mission)

game.cheat bzloser (loses the mission)

why that was put in there, I guess just to be funny, or to be a good sport and admit defeat.


gormenghast: I had the same problem with mission 8 and I think this is the "Get Help" mission. I saved all my missions at the beginning of each one using 1.3 beta patch but this one won't work in the save folder. The only way I can replay that mission at anytime is to go to the Archive folder and load it from there.

Are you having problems beating the mission??


bzloser is probablly there to test if when you fail a mission it displays the right text


wow, thanks guys!

tarquin, I do have problems solving that mission without being able to save it! Got some tips?



No lost or win text should be displayed in the end level briefing screen if you cheat to win or lose.  That text is set by dll, and if you cheat, the dll never sets the text, so unless it sets it at the beginning of the dll run (highly unlikely and not recommended) it should be blank.


Plus, it's a good motivator to get people to see missions without just skipping them. :)


gormenghast: This is how I complete "Get Help"!! When Shabeyev says "youve gotta to go on your own", I wait just inside the building that the mission starts in & wait till those Scions pass. Then go right straight UP THAT HILL all the way to the top and go along the top. You will see a couple of Guardians along the way so just snipe them to disable them and carry on along the top. You should be able to see on your radar where you have to head for. I always take the hill top cause if you go along on the flat ground you are eaten by those creatures!!

Keep going along the top. You will hear Archers firing towards you but DON'T stop, keep going and you won't get hit. Stay on the top until the nav you are heading for is on your left then holding the "W" and "E" key jump off the hill in the direction of the nav, when you reach the ground you should see another hill infront of you, just head straight up that hill. You should hear Shabeyev say "3 Scions just left my area heading in your direction", keep going cause she will then say "there about 300 metres away"

When you get to the top of that hill you should see the base your heading for, again hold the "W" and "E" key and jump down towards the nav beacon you should see. I go straight into the relay bunker and after a short while you should hear Manson say something like "you are showing a lot of promise!!!" then the mission ends.

Good luck........! let me know if you still have problems
