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AIP Building Gun Spirs Bug ????

Started by Juvat, May 19, 2004, 12:06:36 AM

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When placing path points on an MPI map gtow2 gtow3 gtow4 gtow5 in 1.3 when I use ISDF Hadean Cerbrian or Uler  I get a turret placed and these points to match the appropriate race.  When I play Scion I get Gun Spirs placed on these points.   If I create a Hadean gun spir   ebspir.odf   and play Hadean I get the Gun Spire place on these points.   Is this a Bug or is this the way its suppose to be????   I think it would be better if all races had turrets placed on these points.



it could be for the same reason that in harp mpi/ia that scions have spires at the start and others have turrets...but it would be odd for isdf to start with towers (power issues)...and its not like unprotected spires are really hard to kill with a scout either...unless you dont know how :D


I'm sure the ISDF would have gotten the same treatment, if their gun towers didn't have the adjacency requirement and the power requirement.  Since Spires don't have either, other than power lungs, they spawn instead of turrets.  I see this as a feature and not as a bug since the game has been this way from the beginning and it always made sense because spires could be built almost anywhere unlike gun towers.


Couldn't ISDF gun towers spawn with a relay bunk by them (in hard mpi/ia with a prebuilt enemy base).


The problem isn't the relay bunker part since you can spawn gt's out in the field without them.  The problem is the dll prolly isn't setup to spawn a power gen to go with the spawned gt.


it would be possible to have a gt which would require no power, just need to change one line and rename the file...


Hell spawn, that's an even better solution.

APCs r evil

Quote from: AegeisHell spawn, that's an even better solution.

Did I detect a hint of sarcasm? :laughing:


Sarcasm no, play on words, yup!   :-)


maybe i should change my name soon...meh


I thought the map maker would be trying to make the game more realistic by making the guntowers look adjacent.


i think it would be more realistic to have players start in super death ships, but thats just me :lol:


Real players don't start with ships :p

Bull Dog

Quote from: AegeisHell spawn, that's an even better solution.

Yea One Hulva nasty solution.  Read: very hard to kill