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Bug with Recycler or AIP?

Started by wug, May 28, 2004, 09:30:38 AM

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A couple friends and I were playing MPI using the TTB recycler (+ smart trucks) and something kinda weird happened.  The AIP attacker plans all executed just once and never staged another attack.  So after surviving the first few waves, the computer sat there and did nothing (until the AIP switched files).

Going back through the log file, the attacker plans were still in "attack" mode, even though I was pretty sure no units were left in staging.

I'm not 100% sure it's a problem strictly with the TTB recycler, but I don't recall the regular recycler having this problem.

Anyone else notice this? :?


What map were you playing? Speaking of log files, are they supposed to have a size limit? Mine's pressing 120mb in size!

Edit: What was your race and what was the computer race?

Zero Angel

Did you try opening gameprefs.ini and turning on the onscreen AIP debugger? Sometimes you can find useful info in there, like if it says requirements not met to build cfg. Or maybe the constructor got hung up on trying to build a tech/training center. I think it also delays attacker plans when that happens.

EDIT: Speaking of logfiles, when I open the AIP ones in Notepad (Win2k SP2), I get some wierd gibberish where the line breaks are supposed to be and have to rename the files to have a .rtf extension so I can read them.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


how do you change file extensions on XP Home?


I had both in-game and logged AIP options turned on. :D  There was no build problems as it ran all the way to the bottom of the AIP file ("No plans to execute... zzzzz").

I thought the "attacker" command stages new attacks continually if the "maxattacks" switch isn't set.  Am I assuming correctly?  I also had "buildifnoidle" on.

Anyway, I hope someone familiar with the different recyclers can tell if it's a bug or normal behavior.

P.S. I use file commander (clone of the old Norton Commander) to go through log files.  Probably "more" or "less" type programs would do the job too.


Hi Wug

I've been getting exactly the same thing happening here in som AIP files I've been mucking about with.  I havn't been able to isolate the problem yet, mine seems to work ok when playing as a single player in MPI but when I play over the LAN I get exactly the problem you have.  AIP goes into zzz  no plans left to execute,  look at the log and all the relavent attack plans are attacking  but nothing is happening and the AIP base building has worked fine and completed its part.    Another thing I have notice is in my AIP I have a lot of things based on

plancondition = " HisExisits"
fbspir    ect

and it reverses the HisExisits  

the spirs are there  

the program says they are not  and won't execute those attack plans

let me know if you have any ideas

How many plans do you have in your largest AIP ???       I suspect I have to many   ( 114 )



My largest plan file has about 50 plans/orders/commands in it.  I've read that the limit is 64 per file, and I've never tested the limit.  In any case, I'm trying to reduce the number of commands just for the sake of keeping it simple. 8)

I assumed that once an attacking command is completed or that there are no attacking units remaining, the command's status is cleared and it can be re-used to stage a new attack.  If this assumption is wrong, then it's not a bug.

I've only found one way so far to work around the problem.  Add a buildminimum command right after the attacks to make more units.  I'm not sure at this point whether the attack commands or the idle dispatcher ends up using the new units, but at least it prevents the AI from snoozing. :lol:

As for the HisExists thing, so far it has worked okay for me.

Hey Total Oblivion, we were playing on Ground Zero map ISDF (us) vs. Scion (AI).  Tried it on Dunes and the same problem occured.

As for log files, you could change the extension in Explorer by highlighting the file, clicking F2 and rename the file.  Is that what you meant?