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Another 1.3 AV

Started by APCs r evil, June 05, 2004, 10:45:22 AM

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APCs r evil

We were at MPI Bridges and I have no idea what caused this but here is the data,
[ E X C E P T I O N ]
ERR |GLOBAL          |              I76win:80   |12:42:15|986238 |Patch 1.3 PublicBeta1 Feb 28 2004 11:57:13
ERR |Debug           |               debug:885  |12:42:15|986238 |Type: ACCESS VIOLATION
ERR |Debug           |               debug:886  |12:42:15|986238 |Info: READING from CB7A9E83h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:410  |12:42:15|986238 |CallStack:
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |12:42:15|986250 |005747BD +003D bzone.exe EXE ShortPath.obj void __fastcall ShortPath::Make(void)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |12:42:15|986250 |7FC00000 +7FC00000 [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown]
ERR |Debug           |               debug:433  |12:42:15|986250 |Registers:
ERR |Debug           |               debug:434  |12:42:15|986250 |EAX: CB7A9E63h   CS: 0000001Bh  DS: 00000023h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:435  |12:42:15|986250 |EBX: 0C4E5968h  EIP: 005747BDh  ES: 00000023h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:436  |12:42:15|986250 |ECX: 037B8AB4h   SS: 00000023h  FS: 0000003Bh
ERR |Debug           |               debug:437  |12:42:15|986251 |EDX: 0347BDD4h  EBP: 0C4E5978h  GS: 00000000h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:438  |12:42:15|986251 |ESI: 0C2ACFC8h  ESP: 022CFBECh          
ERR |Debug           |               debug:439  |12:42:15|986251 |EDI: 00000001h                      
ERR |Debug           |               debug:449  |12:42:15|986251 | CF: 00010286h PF:0 AF:1 ZF:0 SF:0 OF:1
DIAG|Main            |            mainproc:158  |12:42:15|986280 |Entering critical shutdown