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1.3 Access Violation

Started by APCs r evil, May 25, 2004, 01:12:36 PM

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APCs r evil

I'm not really sure what caused this but I'll tell you what happened about fifteen seconds before the AV.

I gave an Archer Resin and ordered it to attack an APC in the enemy base(this is Instant Action Hilo BTW) just so I could see if the Resin would go high enough to hit the APC while it was in air not moving,(it doesn't)after that I ordered the Archer to attack the extractor right next to it, I ordered a Healer to follow the Archer because after it destroyed the extractor it was at about half ammo capacity, the Healer started servicing the Archer about the same time I told the Archer to attack the Factory about 20m away from the Archer, the exact same time I told it to attack the Factory, the Archer's head simply vanished(it didn't go back into the little ball cover thing) and it got very laggy as if there were around fifty units in the base, but there weren't any units in the enemy base except one enemy scavenger, one enemy Constructor, myself in a scout the Healer and the Archer, after the head vanished and it got laggy I tried to get into the Archer, I did get in but all I saw was one of the white radar lines going all the way across the screen to the top right corner, but I only saw that for an instant before the AV happened so I may have gotten something on that screen mixed up. Anyway here's the AV data.

[ E X C E P T I O N ]
ERR |GLOBAL          |              I76win:80   |10:51:16|2999531|Patch 1.3 PublicBeta1 Feb 28 2004 11:57:13
ERR |Debug           |               debug:885  |10:51:16|2999531|Type: ACCESS VIOLATION
ERR |Debug           |               debug:886  |10:51:16|2999531|Info: READING from 45564177h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:410  |10:51:16|2999531|CallStack:
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |10:51:16|2999546|005747BD +003D bzone.exe EXE ShortPath.obj void __fastcall ShortPath::Make(void)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:433  |10:51:16|2999546|Registers:
ERR |Debug           |               debug:434  |10:51:16|2999546|EAX: 45564157h   CS: 0000001Bh  DS: 00000023h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:435  |10:51:16|2999546|EBX: 00000000h  EIP: 005747BDh  ES: 00000023h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:436  |10:51:16|2999546|ECX: 0F63A958h   SS: 00000023h  FS: 00000038h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:437  |10:51:16|2999546|EDX: 0C3AE848h  EBP: 039C116Ch  GS: 00000000h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:438  |10:51:16|2999546|ESI: 0F7DA818h  ESP: 022CFC4Ch          
ERR |Debug           |               debug:439  |10:51:16|2999546|EDI: 00000001h                      
ERR |Debug           |               debug:449  |10:51:16|2999546| CF: 00010202h PF:0 AF:0 ZF:0 SF:0 OF:0
DIAG|Main            |            mainproc:158  |10:51:16|2999573|Entering critical shutdown


You got in the Archer? Is that something new for 1.3?



Probably an animation bug. The head probably snapped way down underground. (Is the radar sensor not attatched to the viewpoint?).


Quote from: BioToxin69You got in the Archer? Is that something new for 1.3?

Yea you can drive archers now. They're not really smooth though and there are a few cheats you can do with them so its not really a good idea to allow them in strats. (Those who know what it is don't tell, its been brought up in the private forums.)


I saw the same thing two years ago Speedy, where the head of the archer disappeared.  After that, I got the odd line after destroying the archer.  I was sent into a relay bunker type view and I had to shut down bz2.  If anyone can get the head of an archer to disappear, save the game and experiment.  If it causes you to go into a relay bunker type view repeatedly, send a save game to Nathan.  The relay bunker view looks like the divide by zero bug fixed earlier, because it sent testers into the same view.  I'm guessing this one is a divide by zero bug too because of the similiar behavior.


Cheats eh? The one where you can shoot with the archer undeployed?


What don't you understand about "Those who know what it is don't tell, its been brought up in the private forums." ???


He's a kid that av's games, what you expect...

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

He is refering to how the archer can still shoot whilst undeployed.



QuoteWhat don't you understand about "Those who know what it is don't tell, its been brought up in the private forums." ???

Well whats *Ammo*en point of ever bringing up any errors in here if you guys know the answers and don't say so.  Its bullhoot