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1.3 questions re: model size and flight

Started by zardalu, June 29, 2004, 02:18:06 PM

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Hi folks,

I have been working on a model intensive mod and was wondering if 1.3 is friendly to the [AirCraftClass], and if I am able to go beyond 3000 polys in my models yet?


The AirCraftClass hasn't been touched, that I know of.  I don't think the poly limit was touched either.  I could be wrong, but I didn't see anything in the changelog about it, nor did I hear anything about either in testing.


The poly limit/object in 1.3 is over 8000 and under 9000 (I think). I've seen aircraft used, and they're quite fun to fly.


I think you should presume that everyone that might d/l your mod will have the crappiest, barely above min spec comp. That way you can be fairly confident that ppl won't have problems because some of the assets are to big for lower end machines to handle.

I almost positive Commando is right about the AirCraftClass not being touched.


baseName = "ivfighter3"
geometryName = "ivfighter_00.xsi"
geometryScale = 1.6
cockpitName = "ivfighter_cockpit.xsi"
classLabel = "aircraft"
animCount = 3
animName1 = "forward"
animFile1 = "ivfightersf.xsi"
animName2 = "neutral"
animFile2 = "ivfightersn.xsi"
animName3 = "reverse"
animFile3 = "ivfightersr.xsi"
scrapValue = 40
scrapCost = 85
customCost = 100
buildTime = 35.0
customTime = 45.0
maxHealth = 6438
maxAmmo = 3500
addHealth = 1
addAmmo = 3
unitName = "M-76 Combat Fighter"
aiName = "RocketTankFriend"
aiName2 = "RocketTankEnemy"

heatSignature = 2.0
imageSignature = 1.5
radarSignature = 0.3

isAssault = 1

armorClass = L

requireCount = 1
requireName1 = "ibfact"
requireText1 = "Build Factory"

/////// weapons ///////////////////

weaponMask = 00011
weaponHard1 = "HP_ROCKET_1"
weaponName1 = "GDR_A"
weaponAssault1 = 0
weaponHard2 = "HP_ROCKET_2"
weaponName2 = "GDR_A"
weaponAssault2 = 0
weaponHard3 = "HP_ROCKET_3"
weaponName3 = "gdr_c"
weaponAssault3 = 1
weaponHard4 = "HP_GUN_1"
weaponName4 = "gmagun2_a"
weaponAssault4 = 0
weaponHard5 = "HP_GUN_2"
weaponName5 = "gmagun2_a"
weaponAssault5 = 0
weaponHard6 = "HP_SPECIAL_1"
weaponName6 = "gsitecam"
weaponAssault6 = 0


lightHard1 = "hp_light_1"
lightName1 = "spotblue2"
lightHard2 = "hp_light_2"
lightName2 = "spotblue2"
lightHard3 = "hp_light_3"
lightName3 = "spotblue2"
rangeScan = 455.0f
periodScan = 3.0f
velocJam = 5.0f
engageRange = 160

braccelFactor = 0.05f;
strafeFactor = 0.1f;
steerFactor = 1.0f;
omegaFactor = 0.4f;
velFactor = 0.2f;

avoidSpeed = 20;
topSpeed = 30;

selectWaitMsg = "od04.wav"
selectAttackMsg = "od6.wav"
selectFollowMsg = "edf09.wav"
selectGoMsg = "ivdest12.wav"
selectOtherMsg = "lastnight.wav"
holdMsg = "od12.wav"

goMsg = "edf09.wav"
attackMsg = "od06.wav"
followMeMsg = "od08.wav"
followMsg = "ivdest04.wav"
repairMsg = "ivdest06.wav"
reloadMsg = "ivdest06.wav"
rescueMsg = "od05.wav"
recycleMsg = "evcons04.wav"
otherMsg = "od12.wav"
holdMsg = "od12.wav"
user1Msg = "evdeath01"  
killedMsg = "od07.wav"
diedMsg = "Shipxpl.wav"


velocSet(L) = 0.0 // minimum velocity
velocSet(M) = 0.0 // cruising velocity
velocSet(H) = 68.2 // maximum velocity
accelThrust = 45.7 // thrust acceleration
accelBrake = 8.0 // brake acceleration
accelDrag = 68.3 // drag acceleration
omegaSteer(L) = 4.6 // steer turn rate at minimum
omegaSteer(M) = 3.8 // steer turn rate at cruising
omegaSteer(H) = 1.2 // steer turn rate at maximum
omegaStrafe(L) = 2.0 // airbrake turn rate at minimum
omegaStrafe(M) = 1.0 // airbrake turn rate at cruising
omegaStrafe(H) = 0.0 // airbrake turn rate at maximum
alphaSteer = 5.0 // steering angular acceleration
alphaStrafe = 5.0 // airbrake angular acceleration
minAltitude = 10.0 // minimum altitude
maxAltitude = 1000.0 // maximum altitude
alphaLevel = 2.5 // leveling angular acceleration
alphaDamp = 8.0 // damping angular acceleration
pitchPitch = 3.0 // maximum pitch angle
rollSteer = 4.2 // maximum roll angle from steering
rollStrafe = 8.4 // maximum roll angle from airbraking
timeDeploy = 2.5 // time to deploy
timeUndeploy = 1.0 // time to undeploy
soundDeploy = "machine4.wav"
soundUndeploy = "machine4.wav"

soundThrust = "machine6.wav"
soundTurbo = "machine6.wav"

geometryName = "ivmislL1.xsi" ;geometry for lod1
distance = 50

geometryName = "ivmislL2.xsi" ;geometry for lod2
distance = 100                ;...distance over this many meters => switch to lod2

There, it's been touched by someone, [sarcasam]feel free to rub the nice, smooth font the words [AirCraftClass], and/or aircraft, on your computer screen. Then, you have truly touched, [AirCraftClass], and/or aircraft, or at least, touched them the best you could. [/sarcasam]

It wasn't me who made that, I think it was black hunter, or general blackdragon, easy to get those names confused. Most likely blackdragon, so I give general black dragon the credit.


hmm, as far as I know, the pandi guys included the aircraft class into patch 1.2 and it has never been changed since then.
the first person to create a working odf that I know if is Gray, for his gnat series. This was in the early days were most people would cut and paste, and Gray was using Threed to cut and paste a missile tank with some of the Star Wars assets.


Quote from: Fishbonehmm, as far as I know, the pandi guys included the aircraft class into patch 1.2 and it has never been changed since then.
the first person to create a working odf that I know if is Gray, for his gnat series. This was in the early days were most people would cut and paste, and Gray was using Threed to cut and paste a missile tank with some of the Star Wars assets.


Nobody remembers the "Sparrow"?




I remember it a little.  It has been so long since I have used it though, and I don't have it anymore.  With the closing of the map room, I doubt it is available anymore.


sorry Av, now that you mention it, I think I remember the Sparrow.
do you have it still around?
besides, I would like to put a few of your models up on fish.xsi
anything you want to show off?
I have the cerberi walker and if it is ok with you, I want to upload it.
anything else?


Just to set the record straight...

I had the first object (simple white cube, no collision object, made with X2XSI) and the first original mesh (the Sparrow) which I used for the first aircraftClass vehicle.

I can't take too much in the line of bragging rights, though:
1. X2XSI was a quick hack that allowed the creation of the Sparrow.  
2. The Sparrow was a simple one-piece mesh with no animations.
3. Ken Miller handed me the aircraftClass odf to give to the community (which I did).

I'm also pretty sure there won't be any increase in model complexity, nor will there be any AI for the aircraftClass.  Both of these are out of Nathan's areas of expertise.

Now, I wonder if Brad Pickering could code up an aircraftClass AI for us?  He's part of Team Battlezone, but I'm a bit out of touch and don't know if he's very active....


Fish, I have things that would give you nightmares...  hehe  When they're ready you can Host them...

As to the Cerberi Walker I didn't make it so I can't say you can Host it.  I tweaked some animations for it but that's about it...



I don't see Brad Pickering working on 1.3.  He turned GSH down because the bz2 code gives him headaches.  I kind of understand though, I probably wouldn't want to work on it either.  I have a lot of respect for GSH and Ken for taking time out of their days to work on it, especially considering they aren't being compencated for it.  I'll gladly donate some money to a bank account, if one is created for them though.  I don't know how many others would though.


Quote from: CommandoI don't see Brad Pickering working on 1.3.  He turned GSH down because the bz2 code gives him headaches.  I kind of understand though, I probably wouldn't want to work on it either.  I have a lot of respect for GSH and Ken for taking time out of their days to work on it, especially considering they aren't being compencated for it.  I'll gladly donate some money to a bank account, if one is created for them though.  I don't know how many others would though.
Hehe, I heard about that too (about the headaches).   BZII is a hack of a hack of a hack of the original engine.  Eeek.


Well then, it's up to one of us to decode the AI routines and hack together a working 'brain' for the aircraftClass.   :D

Take the Turret AI, reverse the 'deploy first THEN fire' setting, add something like 'pull up when X meters from target' and we might have something that'd work...



Hey, can't you make the aircraft deploy then attack? I think it's possible, look at this:

attackTask = "<name of attack task>"
defendTask = "<name of defend task>"
waitTask = "<name of wait task>"
specialTask = "<name of special task>"
subAttackTask = "<name of sub-attack task>"
subAttackClass = "<control parameters>" (Example: ADN)

Control Parameters:
Letter 1: N=attack ground only, A=include air targets
Letter 2: N=regular attack, D=deploy to attack
Letter 3: N=use engage range, S=limit to weapon range

Zero Angel

QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression