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(minor suggestion) Tag cannon class weapons

Started by Jwk the Hemp Monkey, July 03, 2004, 08:21:54 AM

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Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Will it ever be possaible to make the 'tag' from such a shot simultaneously do things such push/pull objects around it, or snipe, or pulse out damage?


Not sure, but I'm wanting an (omnicient) class weapon that does everything. And it there is a conflict, it just makes an acess violation, learn not to have conflicting things.


That's something I would like to have too. Be able to make a snipershell that has magnetshell properties. Mortars that can pulse, Leader rounds that can snipe, push or pull and pulse.

I was thinking about how to go about this: Here is a short bit of an odf file from a custom weapon. If mixing Ord class properties - say I wanted to give this imagemissile pulse properties as it homes in on its locked target. Just a matter of adding the pulse params in the file , somehow the game will have to be able to scan for all weapon class parameters regardless of the classlabel of the ordnance so the game knows how the physics of that weapon work. (i.e. bullet, snipershell, leader, pulse all travel in straight lines) Right now, if you were to use this file as it is, the game would ignore the pulseshellclass params, since its ordnance classlabel is imagemissile and hence the game will be looking for missileclass params.

classLabel = "imagemissile"
shotGeometry = "iorckt00.xsi"
shotSound = "satord.wav"

xplGround = "xchaos"
xplVehicle = "xchaos"
xplBuilding = "xchaos"
renderName = "chaos_c.render"

ammoCost = 0
lifeSpan = 30.0 // 800m
shotSpeed = 150.0

damageValue(N) = 300 // none
damageValue(L) = 300 // light
damageValue(H) = 300 // heavy

damageValue(S) = 300 // standard
damageValue(D) = 300 // deflection
damageValue(A) = 300 // absorbtion

omegaTurn = 1500.0

pulseDelay = 0.7
pulsePeriod = 0.15
xplPulse = "xdev_c"

I have no idea how complex this may be to implement, but if it were, that would open up a HUGE wave of new possibilities for weapon modding.