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Bad News From The Front

Started by Red Devil, June 30, 2004, 05:12:41 PM

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Something this evil should only be unleashed in GAIPS...  


Or did you play Black Sabbath backwards at 78rpm, causing Natty to appear in a cloud of brimstone?



Red Devil

That's what I'm thinking too.  I'm good at tinkering, but it takes a master like Natty or TV or Fish or Lizard or the other FE guys to put it to good use.  It's just so much more different and fun that I just wanted to give you guys a small glimpse of the terrible future is all.  I'll most likely send this stuff to them after I play with it some more so they can include it in their mods if they so desire.  There's a few kinks which need to be worked out first though.
What box???


"Seems like a pretty cool idea could be made out of that. Rail gun sniper lol."

lol already been done.

=V=Amakeli aka blarblo.. shizzle i cant spell his name, any how he made a wicked weapon pack back in the day. called "hit N' run mod"
That had a really nice railbeam(combat mode) (mass driver) assault mode..

and just a niblet of what that means, rail beam guass weapons are 2 rails with a metal projectile that create a repulsive magnetic feild in the projectile, repulsing from the rails.

Mass driver means electro magnetic coils pull(or push) a projectile without any contact, sort of like pushing certain mag lev trains across their zero friction track. not that had any bearring what so ever in respect to =V='s weapons all i know is they have a 500meter range and kill the pilot of a ship with a direct hit to the cockpit. and its awsome.

i gave my armored ball turret guntower, duel rail beams and duel assault chainguns just for fun. then loaded them up in a g66 game and watched empty ships flail about :D it was alittle like the Energy turrets from UnrealTourny2004 onslaught. where when u get hit u get pushed back, when using a hovercraft you could use the enemy energy turrets firing at you to ride across the sky like a magic carpet :D

HEy Avatar you still play PlanetSide? i got a Cal League  member from NS gunning for my magrider, nothing touches us. its like a one or two Kills per Minute. our strategies and tatics belittle the other 2 sides heavier more armored main battletanks with ease. we all hang on MArkov, even tho emerald gives us 50 ping less, shrug.. my name is ScoutBZ, my gunner chriseen and another loc, TehTwistedOne


in longjourney, if u get close enough to the base ull get sniped


Yeah, Av had AI snipers about 2 months after BZ2 was released (sniper turrets to be exact)..


Didn't Avatar also have snipers in bz1, on his map for bz1.  I can't remember the name, but I remember it starts with the player on foot while a CCA golem attacks the human base.  I remember getting sniped by a few pilots on that map after they ejected from their ships.


Ahhhh...  "Tho I walk"...  A truly inspired map... but alas no snipers.  The best part of that map is the voiceover in the beginning (because it's me).

I remember testing a map early on in BZ2, that if you got too close to the base, and you weren't moving like a bat out of hell, you got sniped!  Forgot the name of it, and I'm not sure if Av ever released it.


Odd.  When I played "Tho I walk," I got sniped by an ai pilot.  I may have had some mod installed that caused it, but I doubt it.  Unless the mod was contained in the Battle Grounds expansion.

I killed an ai turret or some other ship, and when I sat still for a few seconds, the pilot switched to the sniper rifle and killed me.  I haven't tried it again since then.  I had beaten the map before that happened so I saw no need to dodge sniper rounds the whole game only to get sniped near the end.


LOL...  That's a winter MPI map you're thinking of Mower, with Scion turrets using Sniper for weapons.  I actually got sniped by one even though I KNEW he was there.  I just peeked around the corner a bit and SPLAT, back to base.

Toni put snipers into some of the TRO missions, keeps you on your toes.

Just remember how unfair sniper can be folks, when used by the tireless, unblinking, merciless AI.  It can make for some very bad gameplay if it's TOO good at sniping you.  Part of the beauty of the Sniper Rifle is the human behind the trigger...

THOIWALK did have a half dozen Tanks that had SSUSERs for pilots, courtesy of BZNEditor.  When the tanks were blown up, IF the pilot survived, he dropped down to one knee when they landed.  Very cool, someone actually mentioned once that it made them think they were in MP.

I miss that from BZ2, the ability to make some pilots USERs and force them into sniping mode.



Speaking about pilot kneeling, I would use this command that made my pilot behave like an AI, and it was WEIRD. My pilot would kneel, and use it's pulse rifle.

Tempest Storm

Its not too wierd, the AI can do alot of things the Human can't, this includes the fact that they can link weapons together like you used to in BZ1.


You would think that in the 61 times I played ThoIWalk I would have gotten sniped, but I didn't.  Now that I think of it, I do remember ejected pilots going down on one knee.


LOL, that's not weird.  You're DAMN hard to snipe what with all the shaking your old hands do...   ;)

Seriously, there were only a handful of ships that had USER pilots, and they usually join the initial attack on whichever base area you take.  Most of them seem to get blown to bits, it's only the ones that land in the center of the map that end up snipers.

Besides that Mower's claim to fame is he's hard to hit and he always seems to get away.  Soon we'll both be so old we'll be in wheelchairs and THEN my friend the court will be level.





Quote from: SpacecomberI want a hovaround.
:D  :D  :D