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Medium Bug: Low FPS = Shaking Camera

Started by Angstromicus, August 05, 2004, 09:20:34 AM

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If you fps drops below 8, it starts to shake, so badly, that it can end up shaking 180 degrees or more around your vehicle, if you have it in 2nd person view or chase. It would be very nice to have the camera shaking eliminated.


I also encountered the 180 degree camera shake, both sideways and vertically. This was in 1.2, back in the days when i could use game.cheat bzeditor and dump 50 enemy Demons (FE) in the centre of the map, and drop a whole heap of daywreckers on the drones  :lol:


I think I have come up with an idea why this happens. If you go to 3rd person view and turn your ship really fast, you will notice that the camera isn't fully locked on your ship as you can see the side of your ship if you turn it fast enough. It has a very small delay before it moves and follows your ship.

I'm guessing that at very low fps this small delay gets amplified into a huge delay that results in a 180 degree camera turn.