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Started by Arcane, July 07, 2004, 10:38:50 AM

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Could walls be added to build around the base? It would help against walker or assault tank or mauler or titan attacks, it would also defend GT's to a certain extent if built behind them. Im thinking of the big and little walls in the editor.


After extensive testing of various walls I can tell you that all they do is stop your defenses from taking out that one, pissant, annoying little Mortor Bike that's pounding your Recy...


Seriously, in a game like BZ2 all they really do is get in the way.  If tanks were glued to the ground and there were no mortors, Archers, Bombers, or APC's they might do some good, but as it is too many things can get over them.



Oh yeah, I didnt think about mortars...nvm then  :D