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Bugs in "An unlikely rescue"

Started by robotman0, July 24, 2004, 08:38:24 AM

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Maybe someone posted this before and I missed it but...

This is the mission in the scion campaign where you have to save Manson and the AAN loyalists in order to make and alliance between manson and the true scions.  It takes place on bane and you have to build your base quickly and then provide support to manson's base.  

The bug is... his base seems to be destroyed automatically by a timer despite whether braddocks forces actually did any shooting.  First a gun tower then power.  By this point i havent made it to his base yet.  I get to his base a little after the power is out and I have some warriors and some scouts.  Now this is the part i dont get.  My forces are here now, fighting off some avengers and some assault tanks.  I shoot at them right away in order to draw fire away from the base.  But then all of a sudden manson's recycler just blows up and the mission is failed.  I played the mission again from the beginning and this time i let my forces do the shooting and I stayed back at manson's recycler to watch what was happening.  The recycler never got hit once!  It had a full health bar and then just blew up after I had been in the base for like 30 seconds.  Now the avengers had been killed and I think 2 of the 4 assault tanks were killed also.  So the recycler blew up and there were still 2 assault tanks left to kill but they werent even shooting the recycler so...  I dunno.  Does the recycler just die in this mission if the waves of enemies aren't killed fast enough?  Did anyone else have this problem?   :?

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

its a buggy mission that one, you are ment to only go to his base when you are told to later one, before that point you are ment to stay near your base.

APCs r evil

I use the Antenna or Overseer to build Gun Spires at Manson's base. I move the Dower over there too and at least five Healers. But Hemp is right, you are supposed to stay at your base untill later in the mission. Which is why I use the sattelite to put my stuff at Manson's base. :wink:


you dont need a satlite, only a box of corn and some industral waste.  Throw that at braddock, he gets confused and has an "accident" thanks to the scion mafia.  what? :lol:

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

The 1.3 patch really should patch up some of the missions. If a few really good map makers could get their teath into it then the missions could be almost as good a FE ones. Given that much has been learned about making BZII maps since it was released.....that is of course if the editordoes not continue in its castrated state.


Did you destroy the bridge like you were told to do?

I see a lot of "bugs" reported that are not bugs.  It's more like the people not following instructions.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

This map is not one of them. Also if the single player was improved with some of the more advanced techniques that have been developed. For example having AI warriors with shields...better more complex attacks on bases...more agressive domination of the pools...builders doing more stuff, Archers and other things being used more often.


EDIT: and also the use of sound mines like there was in FE, those things really made the sound affects much better.

Dirty Rooster

Listen to Mower.
He is right.

Destroy the bridge,
DO AS YOU ARE TOLD during the mission.


Exactly, although Nathan did try to modify the DLL to totally destroy the bridge as soon as you get one piece done.  It didn't seem to totally work, as about half of the bridge goes when I take down the first piece.  

It's an old BZ tradition that NOT following orders quickly and completely will lose you the mission.   :)

Build your base quickly, taking all THREE pools.  (There's one in the back that many people miss)  Take out the attack waves for extra scrap.  I usually get one GS up near the pool closest to Manson's Base before any other buildings.  By the time I have to take down the bridge I've almost got a full base finished, with three GS's and three upgraded Extractors.

In fact, I'm usually JUST dropping a Sonic Wave in my ship when the order comes to take down the Bridge.  Sonic is the most fun way to swat those pesky AssTanks.  :)

By the time I'm told to build a GS at Manson's base I've already got a Builder there.  I don't just build one GS, I buld a whole wall of them.  When the AssTanks show up it's simple to just sit there bouncing their Plasma shots away while the GS's take them down.  Hide from the Walkers after popping them a few times, they'll walk right into base while the GS's take them down.  A few Titans don't hurt either, and a few Healers are essential.

I agree that more could be done to ramp up the SP missions, but don't forget their purpose is not to provide a real challenge, but rather to educate players in how BZ2 works.  They're a stepping stone to MP and expansions like FE.


Jwk the Hemp Monkey

True, but they should at least be some sort of challenge in the later levels. E.g. the Last Scion mission was far too easy. Another thing is could we ever get the Mission that comes just after you chose to kill shabyve. The one against Major Manson's base.
We could fix it, perhaps even get that 'mountain slide' thing to happen on his assault tank. Have a proper base to assault, instead of just two gts and a factory.

how about that second from last mission on core, the one where you have to find the entrance to the Scion Super computer. That one could be made more challenging.

Or the Last Scion mission, the final fight against Braddock's Attlia seemd...a bit weak. His base gave barly any resistance, and he was relativly easy to kill.

All of those missions were after the 'training' missions.


:lol:  This is kinda funny.  I did follow orders completely.  But manson sounded so urgent with his "i lost a gun tower" and "the power is out!"  that i rushed to his base before i got the next order to kill the bridge.  So i was following the orders, i just hadnt got the order yet and i was trying to help manson too early i guess.  Its weird cuz i completed both campaigns just fine when i first got the game years ago.  Now that i got 1.3 and played some multi and skirmishes i thought maybe i should replay all the single player missions again.  I am a better player now than before but i have more trouble beating the missions now.  I also don't remember the objectives being quite so picky before.  Oh well.  

You guys are right, BZ missions usually need the orders followed perfectly and promptly in order to not fail.  Although i did beat "thin ice" by not doing things in order.  I left the recycler on the ice and i killed the base first so i would have less resistance when i moved the rec.  So i guess there are some exceptions.   :D


You killed the Scion base with a single tank?  Sounds like a balance issue, that one.


I've done the same thing, although I left the tank, sniped myself some scion units, and used those to clear the base, when out of ammo I'd bail out and get in another I sniped earlier.  Cleaned the base well, although there were still attacks appearing from nowhere. :D

Zero Angel

Quote from: NukeDaddyYou killed the Scion base with a single tank?  Sounds like a balance issue, that one.

Kinda reminds me of that MP taunt "I think its time for another balance discussion". Ahahahaha, I love that one.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Quote from: Zero Angel
Quote from: NukeDaddyYou killed the Scion base with a single tank?  Sounds like a balance issue, that one.

Kinda reminds me of that MP taunt "I think its time for another balance discussion". Ahahahaha, I love that one.

You think it is perfectly normal for a single, unupgraged tank to take down an  entire Scion base?  That flies in the face of 1.3 being made to be more difficult.  It's been a long time since I've seen that base, but the defenses must be crap.  On the otherhand, the mortar ranges were increased to be outside the GS range, which would explain his success.  

I think the mortar ranges should have been left the same.  Now, what use is the MDM in SP?  That is the only reason I ever upgraded to MDM, was for the range, with the trade off of not being able to take down static structures.  Now with stock mortar, you can do both.  MDM is really only good for inflicting colateral damage in mid-air now.....it would seem.