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Minor Suggestion: Give pilots strafe animations! (NT)

Started by Angstromicus, August 01, 2004, 05:47:36 PM

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Quote from: StoneMaybe make it to where the legs go in the strafe direction, but the torso remains pointed in the other direction?
Good idea, much like side running in Q3A.  Add some Spanish flamenco music and your strafing Scion pilot can now enter a Latin dance contest!


Yeah! I was wandering, do many ppl around here strafe? I wouldn't care if pilots were moving like walkers, with the gun baing a turret, though even that'd require some extended modeling (turret), though I'd prefer a strafing walker, that could be very cool. I think the best thing is make the pilot able to be strafing, while leaving it with a blank animation, anybody who feels like it should be changed can change it, or is this possible already (in witch case, what the hell are you complaining)? Maybe add that option for walkers too, and special airplanes and and and ...


Quote from: HuscarYeah! I was wandering, do many ppl around here strafe?

I don't know, but in any case, I gave it a minor suggestion title.

Quote from: HuscarI wouldn't care if pilots were moving like walkers, with the gun baing a turret, though even that'd require some extended modeling (turret), though I'd prefer a strafing walker, that could be very cool.

Strafing walkers wouldn't be a bad idea (and I don't think Nathan or Ken are going to implement the ability for walker class vehicles to strafe), but, the best way to do that is make a big person class vehicle, which isn't completely effective considering that you couldn't get in or out. It's possible that Nathan, nor Ken, will implement my suggestion, but modders coudl eaisly make it possible, and it wouldn't require changing anything hardcoded.

Tempest Storm

"It's possible that Nathan, nor Ken, will implement my suggestion, but modders coudl eaisly make it possible, and it wouldn't require changing anything hardcoded."

I don't know what you are talking about, but as far as I was ever able to tell; BZ2 has NO capability for strafe animations on pilots.

Why do you think I want them to just implement the ability for it so much? :)


Hey, that means my post isn't total crap after all.


strafeing walkers = mechwarrior heck go the hole 9 yards gvie walkers jump jets


That is not true, strafing could come in very handy when trying to park your vehicle, hmmm... seriously, why jetpack a walker? They are supposed to be big heay weapo carriers, not just some light construct you can shoot in the air (although maulers might a little).


lol, i just started reading (page 2) i gotta say u guys got some crazy ideas


Quote from: TempestStormI don't know what you are talking about, but as far as I was ever able to tell; BZ2 has NO capability for strafe animations on pilots.

Well then the best animation for strafing would be rocket boosters, which isn't really an animation, but it's better than nothing, right?


ya get the ai pilots to strafe too and not retreat back to their base then when a big dog fight come they all attack your base strafeing forward that would get very intimadating with all that smoke from the rocket boosters on their legs and give them rock star costums

ps dont even think of putting this suggestion in Rev.D or another bz2 patch

but i do think the rocket booster idea would be neat

Tempest Storm

Quote from: Total Oblivion Omnis
Quote from: TempestStormI don't know what you are talking about, but as far as I was ever able to tell; BZ2 has NO capability for strafe animations on pilots.

Well then the best animation for strafing would be rocket boosters, which isn't really an animation, but it's better than nothing, right?

I don't see whats wrong with using the run animation, it would actually look practical...


Quote from: Tempest StormI don't see whats wrong with using the run animation, it would actually look practical...
I agree.  There needs to be some sort of continuity, because it seems to me if pilots are using boosters to strafe, it means they are too lazy to use their own legs.  :D
You should be able to angle the limbs to face (and run in) the direction of the strafe. But I must warn you again... Lord of the Dance!


You guys shoud start using " with the quote command, this is just toooo messy.
I think pilots should run a little faster and strafe at the current running speed, rotating the legs seems like the best way. But it might look very bad,just think of how they'd rotate...


Pilots don't work that way, and it would require new animations.


I think that this wouldnt be a problem if everybody would stop getting their vehchles deystroyed. :lol: