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So what happened to 1.3?

Started by † Trinity †, September 04, 2004, 02:14:48 AM

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Jwk the Hemp Monkey

And Halo is a good....but relativly rubbish game incomparision to BZII (except graphics wise...the graphics in halo are top notch, let alone halo 2).

QuoteI know what you mean... once again, that response was meant for the hovering whiners and was not intended for those who had valid concerns about balance and physics,

Then say so in your orginal post. Also acknowladge what dark fox is saying. I dont mean 'agree or disagree'. I mean register and think about what he and others like him say.

Also...has anyone seen GSH say sorry for all the spiting? Is there any word from Lizard?


Quote from: MowerManIf only BZ2 got the time and money that Halo got...

add to that a slightly decent advertising campaign by acit...
i dont think ghs really needs to applogise, seeing of reactions to 1.3.  Yes, he was wrong, but it did have some reason (note how i say he was wrong and some reason).

I guess fleshstorm will never be...


The MP lag (including the targeting reticle warpage) is being worked on, but test activity reporting on it has gone down to nil in the past few months, due to the devs focusing on something else (i.e. SW:BF).  Plus this problem in the netcode has been elusive to pinpoint, releasing other bugs in the process.  Typical beta process.  :)

† Trinity †

Is this the same MP lag we saw in the original? Or was it induced by changes incorporated into 1.3?


Quote from: † Trinity †Is this the same MP lag we saw in the original? Or was it induced by changes incorporated into 1.3?
A little of both I imagine.  By trying to fix 1.2's netcode stuff here and there, new types of problems/lag appeared, heh.  You might be able to find some data in the 1.3pb log. That's what you get for fixing code from 4-5 different games built on top of each other.  :D


1.3 Beta isn't really all that bad for me except with some aspects of the editor.
People keep saying it's more stable, but I haven't seen any improvement with stability than with FE BZ 1.2. Then again, I have noticed a few improvements that I love, such as the ability of creating a huge dome explosion that covers the entire map, and detonating it from far away without the effect going away. Also, saving the map multiple times is a big improvement. However, I was hoping to get into DLL scripting (Finally), but with 1.3 that's alot more difficult to do. I think that when 1.3 final is released, they should put the editor and the main executable back together. Who is going to care about a multiplayer exploit? I'm sure there are better ways to fix it.
If that's not going to happen, then they oughta fix the editor executable so I can easily incorporate FE, and other mods, into my creations.

Another thing I would like to see them do, and I really want them to take this into consideration, is to make it possible for two solid objects to merge, but both can stay solid.
If they do that, I'll be able to create some of the most wild maps imaginable.
In fact, solid objects should only affect the area they take up, not the 2D space. If that's possible, I can create an instant action single player mission where you must destroy an important enemy installation inside an ice cavern. You must set up a base, build a force, and navigate them across subterranean terrain, bridges across chasms, all the way to the enemy base and what they are defending.
Right now, it'd be impossible to set up the base because the ice, which is about a hundred meters higher than the buildings, is blocking the construction of all the buildings. The bridges can be placed with some trickery, but they won't be solid. The units will probably fall through them.
I would use, for the ceiling of the ice cave, the bane ice sheet objects. I could use the icebergs for icy stalagtites and stalagmites.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

QuoteI'm sure there are better ways to fix it.

Sure there are. But they usually require ones brain to function in a way other than 'yes/no' or 'on/off'.

For example, if you were to make multiplayer editing tell any player that joined that the game had been edited, then everything would be fine.

Also, if the editor actually worked ingame as it is supposed it (e.g., going into instant action, console, game.cheat bzeditor, hearing the a voice go 'enable edit : on ' since it is ment to be a game function , then droping the objects you wanted to test)...

then that would be the indication of a sublty made patch.

Bull Dog

I've said it before and I'll say it again, have a fully functional version of BZ2 with the editor and without netcode(SP,IA.Editor)  Then have another without the editor and with the netcode(SP,IA,MP).

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I must of missed that idea, cause its a damned good one. I was thinking of something on those lines as well, but i had not worded it properly.

Nice one.


Nathan has stated that the Editor was simply waaaay down on the list but that it would be addressed later in the process...

that is, if there's still a process to address it.  My hope is that things pick up again once winter sets in...

He needs something to do in those cold, 70 degree California winter nights...   :p

(who's way up north and surrounded by water)

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Very true. I really hope that 1.3 doesnt break the abilty to mod, otherwise it would do more harm than good sadly.

Bull Dog

Quote from: AvatarNathan has stated that the Editor was simply waaaay down on the list but that it would be addressed later in the process...

that is, if there's still a process to address it.  My hope is that things pick up again once winter sets in...

He needs something to do in those cold, 70 degree California winter nights...   :p

(who's way up north and surrounded by water)

Cold?   Hey where I live 70 degrees in a nice spring day.  Hehe.  Well back on to topic  I mod BZ2 as most of you probably(hopefully) know.  And after trying 1.3 I haven't been able to take my self back to 1.2.  Yup thats right I haven't touched 1.2 since 1.3 came out.


I still dont see the problems with the editor. and let me tell you, I have built 5 missions in 1.3 up to now.
It didnt take longer then building missions for 1.2
What exactly do you need the editor to run dlls for? test it ingame! since you CAN program the dll, you can give yourself the best unit. or whatever you want 'on the fly'
1.3 even has enhanced AIP logging so you always KNOW immediatly what the ai is doing and do not have to leave the game to check the log file.

This constant bickering about the Editor just shows me one thing: it is like always: there is a right way to do things and there is shortcuts. Often shortcuts take longer.

The only problem I have with 1.3pb is the warp in MP and the tracked unit physics.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I am not refering to those things. I am refering to the increadbly useful action of being able to just start up an instant action (i like to use FE Lizards World), type console game.cheat bzeditor. Add some stuff and test in-game.

No hassle, no fuss.

It also becomes easy to in lets say a single mission, skip 50minutes of making a base and just editing it in so that you can get to the bit you want to test.

If that kind of functionality was there, then it would be great. I barely know what an AIP is. I care about it because other modders and future testers care. If you say that there is some stuff 1.3 does that is better with AIP than 1.2, then i take your word for it fishbone. But thats not what i use the editor for.


again, you can start up any map in the same time via bz2edit.exe

and you can have your dll preplace any base for you, when you are testing the mission. (since you are testing mission dll anyways!) or have the dll start right where you want anyways.

honestly, I dont miss anything in the current editor and tend to believe that you simply have not ever created a mission (I dont know that but indications tell me) and therefore do not really know what you are talking about. or are you? if so, can I download one of your missions?