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zoom control

Started by Saloei, September 18, 2004, 09:49:29 AM

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is there a zoom-in control when in the satellite mode?

Tempest Storm

No, unfortunately the only way to change that now is through an ODF command, which will give you bad assets if you try to use it for MP play...but its better than nothing.


this bad assetts happens only whem in multiplayer mode?
does it give bad assetts in single also?

Tempest Storm

No...thats impossible. ;)

Check out the ODF file for the Relay Bunker in the 1.3 PAK file, there is a command in there to change it. Do note however, you can't actually change the view ingame.


i searched for a file with Relay Bunker as text containing.i couldnt find one in the *.pak files.
what is the name of the file?

Bull Dog

it should be ibcbun.odf

however I could be wrong.  And you want to look in the patch13.pak file not data.pak


could it be done in game via dll and multiple different com bunkers?