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1.3 savegame av

Started by Spawn, October 04, 2004, 07:11:03 PM

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ok, i get an av when i try to load this.  Was in a single player mission, i got bored of making a base the hard way so i gave myself the infinite scrap cheat.  i had 4 cons, a nearly full base (one con was sent to mave strong, one building dower, all else was made) i had to go and saved, and now it crashes upon load.  Who should i send savegame to?  oh, all this was stock, and in the mission when you first save the aan loyalists from the new regime.


I you saved with the 1.3 beta patch, then please send the saved game to with a description like you've given here so he can try to put it under a microscope & try to find the solution to the problem. Although it sounds like your saved game maybe corrupted.
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.


or he can send it to Nathan himself.
No need to go over Greenheart or Commando, is there?


Spawn, could you state what you did in detail?  I got that you used a scrap cheat and that you are using stock assets, but how far were you into the game, were you on foot, if so, what building were you in?  Provide as many details as you can.  If you can, try to recreate this bug.  If you can't, give me detailed information on what was going on and what you had done.  I will take a stab at reproducing it if you are unsuccessful.  I just need some information on what was going on since it doesn't load up to show me.


basicially, the thing that made it confused i think was i had a few cons, one was sent to build a stronghold, another building (was shiny) a dower when i saved, i think that is what made it confused.  i had on scrap, armor and health.  i was still in the warrior i started with. 4 rats by front pool, 2 spires by back, one by front pool, 3 upgrades, full base cept strong and dower, no jammer, 5 spires in a v shape by side they came down.  2 builders in base, one sitting at south, and one coming from south to make stronghold.  I saved the game whild builder was building, then tried to load it (without unpausing), and game froze.  When i tried to load, game crashed.  Thats it.