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1.3 Avenger Bug (Moderate)

Started by Wingflier, November 24, 2004, 12:36:27 AM

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lol, this is great!!
keep it up wing, just remember, you can prove ANYTHING is right if you completely ignore the other side :lol:


Ive got a few words for PhoeniX-FlamE


APCs r evil

It's apostrophe actually.  :p




Wingflier...   I will add my comment to the mix...  You are completely wrong.  AI can be made that will have you dead before you can think about firing.  You completely lack any knowledge of computing if you doubt this, or argue the point.

Sheeesh...  Now we're all Nazis because Wingflier is wrong.


lets start off friendly, Av

QuoteDual Assault Blast vs Scout = one shot kill.

hmm dont be so sure
the scout will actualy live with exactly 0 hull :p (assuming no1 touched the weapons in 1.3)

@ sabre
QuoteIve got a few words for PhoeniX-FlamE


*opens up report card*
English - 94 :p

*scratchs head* I usualy just type, I dont put those things in anything when I type on the net that doesnt require me to be 'polite' etc'
I do use enters and , though :p

now - on to more hmmm arg w/e
wing, dont you even dare talking about world war 2
QuoteYou think the millions of people who supported the Nazi party during WWII were right?
small group of people --> brain wash more people --> puts fear in others
the people that were against it still doesnt know exactly what was going there nowdays as well, I realy think that few (in percent out of the whole world) are the people nowdays that realy know what went there - so in the past even less people knew, let alone didnt belive it

on to bz2

QuoteYou lack proof. I need no proof, I can beat any AI you throw out at me.
*sigh* you lack braincells

QuoteI can beat any AI you throw out at me.

I'm tried ZST:Long Journey AI. Big Deal. They can hover really high and are extremely jumpy. I still own them 1v1. I can even beat them 2v1. And you must remember that they cheat really badly.
Doubted, I wanna see you beat those scouts and sonic warriors

QuoteYou guys can argue about how the AI can be sooo great and whatever...but you are still losing this argument.
lol, now this is just being childish

QuoteLook...you guys may all be against me. But it doesn't matter. The fact still stands that Humans can beat the BZ2 AI and you have no proof to prove me wrong.
ZA, do us all a favor and get him a 1.3 scout odf that will freakin own his ass

QuoteThe next time you type out a statement please ask yourself: "Does what I'm saying have any proof to back it?"
every post against what you said has knowledge in it, exprience, and commen sense
however, you posts lacks all of them


I think all's been said that can be said...

Enough is enough...
