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Sniping for Upgrades

Started by Marksman, December 04, 2004, 12:08:50 AM

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I presume this is by design, but I have to ask.

I was playing 1.3 MPI Defend as Scion.
My friend had a stock warrior. He jumped out and let a passing enemy pilot get into it. He then snipped it and got back in. It was upgraded with arc and shield.

I can see enemy created ships getting upgrades, but why ships that enemy pilots take over?



I don't think it's that big a deal...

I guess it is notable tho.

Sounds like a great way to upgrade your ship to me :p


I think any ships in the ai's posession is upgraded once the ai gets an armory.  Even if a ship is taken from the human team, it gets upgraded.  I wouldn't consider it a good or bad thing.  If you get it back, you get a free weapon, but you also take the risk of losing your ship or sniper if you don't successfully get your ship back.