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1.3 Developers Please Read

Started by Wingflier, November 28, 2004, 06:48:15 PM

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Quote from: AvatarAnd WF needs to look up "beating a dead horse" in the slang dictionary...

lol Avatar you crack me up.  How the hell do you say things like that and crack me up instead of making me want to kick your arse?
: p

QuoteAnd Mower, buddy, what's wrong? There was a beautiful, shiny chromed glistening chain just hanging there, begging you to jerk it...

What did I say?  It's okay.  I won't get mad.  I just want to know where the chain was.



yeah, when you compare what the BEST human players do vs other humans is to try and think of what THEY will do, where they are aiming, when they will shoot, and simply not be there, ai jut uses the data availiable, which can only be based on the current data, unless it is very advanced, and then it can learn very slightly, but not a huge deal.  When fighting a laser scout in another laser scout in a zst game, both people come to *very* close range and warp to left and right, trying to both dodge the other persons shot, while trying to hit the other warping bastard *lol*

while this seems simple, and doesnt requite even (sometimes) concious thought and realization, it requires so much ability and experience, your mind using certain pathways and making them more effecient (and less effecient when in disuse) this process is ery complex, but comes along so naturally, the true ability is to be random, or even different from the average player, so you will be better, force your opponent to think a moment more, while you blast away their ass with laser :o


hitting with laser is only knowing how to hit in warp

mostly, its for all weapons, but mostly to blast/laser like

the better you deal with warp the better killer you are, theres no such thing unwarping human - not in head to head, no metter what version what ping etc' etc'

humans head to head WARP
the more exprienced you are the better you will hit them while they are warping


As it took me an houre to write befor my computer crapshed over the submit button:

This is my vision,
It's a vison that's all,
My ideas,
Your insperation,
That's all I can say.

I can see it now, AI level *oo (infinity)!!! :twisted:

A map with 6 human recys, 2 computer.

EDF and Scion tanks,
Attacking side by side in a deadly pear.
Crossing paths,
The EDF drops a mits,
The scion a flare.
They spin around in unison,
The scion sonics its victum.
The EDF slams it o the mines.
...It doesn't survive.

A 6 human assalt on a computer base,
The atttack repelled, they retreat,
They are blasted on their flank by an ambush in wait.

Archers and bikes spew pops and acid,
sothing survives this deadly barrage.

Rocket tanks blasting the wasp,
Blasting the swarm,
Causing mass destruction,
Destroying all in its path.

THe attilas blast in the distance,
The mallers filter throught,
Nothing survives.

The enemy building,
In your very own base,
Stealing your ammo,
Your weapons,
Your repairs.

Scouts flying in,
A balle of bullets,
A balle of plasma,
Destruction everywhere,
Nothing survives.

It's almost like poetry to me.

I'm a poet,
I don't even know it!

PS: How does this sound?

Click on the image...


Quote from: Nielk1I can see it now, AI level *oo (infinity)!!!

Well..as we all know I agree with this...

As for the rest of that...It all seems to be a poem...

How do I agree or disagree with that?

Is it a mod idea or what?

What is your suggestion?

Better AI?  What are you trying to show us?

Be more Pacific :p



sounds like a dream that will never come true cause if you drop mits and flare at same spot the mits will burn and explode ;)


Well, yes.

I was refering to near the flare, not on.

I'll look into that for a weapon that spawnes both kinds of mines!!!

Click on the image...

Bull Dog

Quote from: Wingflier
Be more Pacific :p

I thought that word was "Specific"


You might want to fix your quote.  I dont apreciate that!

This is mostly a dream.  A computer this smart would infect the internet, government, and then manufacture its own war machines.  I beleave it would be like Terminator 3.

Can you imagin if this happened.  Wow, car factories being hacked and asembling, dare I say it?


Click on the image...


well, if both mits and flare from same team's ai, then the mits wont die...
there was an fe map where there was an ai base and a small cerebi base :D

Bull Dog

Quote from: Nielk1You might want to fix your quote.  I dont apreciate that!

Relax its fixed


Quotewell, if both mits and flare from same team's ai, then the mits wont die...
hmmm im not sure, cause it'll be consider radious damage, like what mtr bikes do


gt splash is radius, i dun think taht hurts ai...


As long as the mits mine and flare mine are on the same team it works.

Back in the TsL days we use to mits/flare alot of bases.

If the miuts lands near a unit(suck as a turr) it activates and draws the flare's "flare" towards it.

Worked better then just normal flaring because they can't move the turr away from the flare. Mits locks them there.

We also did it in the field, mits a player then drop a flare near-by. The flare curls down into the mits mine, killing the player but not the mine.

Was fun for hit&runs while being able to go hit pools while they died