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Slight pauses every 10 seconds or so

Started by OvermindDL1, December 10, 2004, 09:48:40 PM

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what about the one included with windows?
can this one kill any proggys?


regular task manager? you cant see hidden stuff and most viruses and worms reopen themself, in that proggie u can "quarntine" them, meaning they cant reopen themselves


If you are smart with your computer then you don't need things like that though, PhoeniX, as the kind of thing you stop with it never gets in to begin with.


My brother is making a killing on snuffing malware (he has a computer service business).  In a 24 hour period, he got over 6000 hack attempts on his network (which is probably pretty typical).

These days, anyone can get bitten, no matter how smart you are with your computer.

Bull Dog

Your right Mowerman.  Accidents/mistakes/ignorance do happen.


Wz, your probably not using msn m + but FYI, latly it was causing major problems, it opened 2 "Internt explorer" tabs in task manager and when you close them it would restart it, before I figured it was msn m + that doing that I had to quartitne IE, cause it just caused problems, for example - it caused undeletable desktop icons

I have other 2 'things' that I'm still not sure what they does but they were working hiddenly in the background, making sure they are not windows or program (that im using) needed I quarntited them, since no other programs found out what they are...

so FYI, using this program is something some people will consider being smart with your comp


I assume you mean MSN Messenger Plus!, msgplus.net, Patchou's creation, plugin capable, etc. and so forth?

If so, I have no issues with it. Just don't be stupid and let it install the sponsor. That is where your issues are most likely coming from.

Or, perhaps one of the plugins you installed is doing it. There are a few out there that do that kind of thing because they have sponsors as well.

As I said, you have to be smart with your computer. Don't accept anything without seeing what it says it is going to do. If it doesn't say what it is going to do then go ask google what it will do first. If it is a google provided item, still ask google, but also ask altavista and yahoo in case google has filtered out some of the negative comments.

If you are vigilant with your computer then you don't need crap like that.

Oh, and that particular tool, having looked into it, puts potentially dangerous system hooks in place that can cripple performance if you aren't careful with it.


it was a plugin, I never install "sponsers" I got the plugin off someone I know who said its handwriting plugin

anyways, that was just a small example the fact that viruses and worms are running all over the net has nothing to do with being smart with your computer, unless being offline is considered smart...

I have a router (with a working NAT), XP firewall, norton personal firewall and ZA, even with all those my antivirus jumps off from time to time notifiying me of virsues, same for spyware, I use spyboy S&D, adaware and spyware doctor, doing weekly tests on all of them, finding at least 10 spyware (overall)
so I realy dont see how being "smart" can make you totaly immune
as mower said

QuoteThese days, anyone can get bitten, no matter how smart you are with your computer.

I agree though, that this program *can* be dangours, you have to know what your doing in order to use it


well, the truely smart can be hit by something and not lose anything of value :D


hmmm if out of nowhere a lighting hits your house and your comp blows up, your all house burn down --> all your back-up HDs, cds, or whatever you use go down with the house as well you'll lose lots of valueable stuff and it has nothing to do with you not being smart  :D


common, lightning never strikes twice :lol:


Tell that to the guy who got struck 9 times in under a minute... :D

I wish i had that link...


Actually, when lightning strikes, it does not strike once, it striked tens, usually hundreds of times in a couple seconds.