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A new 1.3 Patch?

Started by Wingflier, December 02, 2004, 07:43:19 PM

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Hey Cantata!  Goood to see ya bro!  I saw a few of your posts over on the Star Wars Battlefront forum.  What servers do you tend to frequent  on SWB?


Hey MowerMan, how are ya?  Yeah, I've been blasting the poor slobs in BattleFront since it first came out... what a hoot!

I still lurk around here from time to time, checking on the community and the progress of the game.  BZ2 is still my all-time favorite game, and probably always will be.  I'm going to check out the G66 mod soon, as I've heard good things about it.

Do you play SWBF at all online?  I'm on JASAcademy more often than not, usually in the afternoons (CST), and sometimes at night.  I also play on the TAW servers, or failing those, whatever server happens to be jumping... as long as it comes with low pings.  It's a faster paced version of BF1942, with better AI.

Good to know the BZ2 community lives on, and the devs still love it as much as we do.  It's also good to hear from you, maybe I'll see you on SWBF sometime in the near future.  I'll be skulking about here, too.

Happy Holidays!

P.S.  Sorry it took so long to reply, I should watch my threads more closely.  Later!


If GSH has an open slot for his 1.3 testing team I'd be glad to help for weapons.

BZ FeebleEffort

Mower...You plinking away in SWBF these days?....well..small world, I actually got SWBF mostly for my 11 year old son(whos damn good at it by the way) and found I couldn't resist a good shoot-out on Hoth myself. I tend to at least be semi capable as a pilot, still mostly blaster fodder as a foot soldier.

Let me know some times and servers when you'll be around and most likely you'll see my butt getting shot off in the SW universe.(But be careful, I'll send my kid after you....


Yeah, I'll playSWBF  with ya WarDog bro!  Avatar has it too.  It would be nice to get on with a few familiar faces (I really suck, but that's never stopped me).

I'll do some BZ2 too (just have to put in a stock 1.2 install).

I have DSL now, so I should be able to connect pretty good.


Here are some SWBF servers I try to play on... when I can get an open slot:

[OSF]May The Force Be With You!




These servers are usually running with a lot of players, and the settings are good, ie. Team Atuo-Select On, Team Damage Off (Stops TKers), high ticket counts, etc.  Be careful though, sometimes there are a few unsavory characters online who use foul language.  You may not appreciate your son being exposed to that, Wardog.  Good to see you, too, BTW.  I'd love to see some more familiar faces on SWBF, maybe we could run as a small fireteam, assuming we spawn on the same side.  If not, it'll be a meeting over gun sights, heh heh.  :)

Hope to see you guys out there!  Long Live BZ2!!

† Trinity †

Mower man has broadband... it's the coming of the apocalypse.  :D

APCs r evil

No, not yet, we have 543 days left before that happens.


you and your appoclaypse countdown...
its gonna be at leave five years, then we will make a black hole, and it will eat the world.
The universe will be a better place *lol*


Quote from: � Trinity �Mower man has broadband... it's the coming of the apocalypse.  :D

Pretty weird huh?  I'm still way out in nowheresville too.

WD I'll be driving right by your place every after Jan.3 (I accepted a Sr.Hardware Engineer position at Lockheed Martin).

BZ FeebleEffort

"WD I'll be driving right by your place every after Jan.3 (I accepted a Sr.Hardware Engineer position at Lockheed Martin")

Holy Crap Mow-jo! Great news....As a matter of fact, I just had my kid fill out some online resu,e' for Lockeed Martin as a summer intern( this is my daughter who will be just finishing her freshman year at MIT). It's a damn small world.

APCs r evil

Quote from: Spawnyou and your appoclaypse countdown...
its gonna be at leave five years, then we will make a black hole, and it will eat the world.
The universe will be a better place *lol*

No no no, it's not going to be five years before we make a black hole, it'll be at least six. And most people aren't that stupid.. damn I hope we get a smart president by then... And we won't put it close enough to Earth to suck our ugly asses in, we will place it right next to one of our many enemies' planets. The Apocalypse is going to happen because the aliens are going to bombard Earth from orbit in 543 days, not everyone will die though, I will survive.. mostly because I joined them and ratted your asses out to them. Duh. :roll: And right before the remaining Humans create the aforementioned black hole I will sneak back onto Earth by riding Luna, (The Moon) down to the surface of our pitiful little planet. At least the Chinese were smart enough to kill me.



Quote from: BZ FeebleEffort"WD I'll be driving right by your place every after Jan.3 (I accepted a Sr.Hardware Engineer position at Lockheed Martin")

Holy Crap Mow-jo! Great news....As a matter of fact, I just had my kid fill out some online resu,e' for Lockeed Martin as a summer intern( this is my daughter who will be just finishing her freshman year at MIT). It's a damn small world.

*Mower gets a Bill Clinton types glint in his eye*

Hmmmmmm...  Interns.

Red Devil

Been playing SWBF too.  Noticed that some players on my team were shooting at me on JASAcademy and so just left.  Sure is a lot of fun tho.
What box???