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Have trouble joining X-Bones66 games in progress?

Started by Mother's Helper, December 20, 2004, 11:52:53 PM

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Mother's Helper

Does anyone else have this problem?  Perhaps this issue has been brought up before - I don't know.

I tell ya, this is the only 66 MPI game (map) that I do not seem to be able to join in progress.  You know the one - it's the map where you can choose between starting the game as a Avenger, Sabre tank, Scout ship or whatever, and have the choice of different weapon systems.

Every time I try to join this particular map, I get kicked out of the server before it launches me.  It is not a matter of ping, because I can join any other game in progress.

Does anyone know why this might be happening?

Mother's Helper (in need of help.... :lol: )


I don't know if it is related, but I recall having a slightly different problem with X-Bones.

SquareEyes released a X-Bones for 1.3 MPI map (Non-G66) shortly after 1.3 public beta came out.
Then when he added the three map pack to G66 2.0 which included another X-Bones. I got an asset conflict. When Bzone.exe first started up, it gave me a message indicating duplicate file names between the two.
I ended up removing the X-Bones for 1.3 MPI. I don't know if leaving it in place would have confllicted with using the G66 version or not.

So I guess you need to be sure which you have, and which the other person has.

Good luck, its a good map.


does it give you some error?
it should give you an erroe of some sorts...