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Started by Jetfire, December 29, 2004, 01:43:45 PM

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[ E X C E P T I O N ]
Patch 1.3 PublicBeta1 Feb 28 2004 11:57:13
Info: READING from 000000C4h
005E8AA2 +014A bzone.exe graphics2 anim.obj public: void __thiscall Animation::SetFrame(float,class Array<class AnimKey,0> &)
EAX: 00000000h   CS: 0000001Bh  DS: 00000023h
EBX: 03833784h  EIP: 005E8AA2h  ES: 00000023h
ECX: 00000000h   SS: 00000023h  FS: 0000003Bh
EDX: 1451A2ACh  EBP: 00000037h  GS: 00000000h
ESI: 03833758h  ESP: 022CFB44h          
EDI: 3F800000h                      
CF: 00210202h PF:0 AF:0 ZF:0 SF:0 OF:0
Entering critical shutdown


Got this after acessing the pilot menu on the armory.


just a suggestion: you can get more points if you post the whole log.


what the hell are you talking about?
there is no point in posting the log, jsut takes more space on forum.

Sword Master

Looks like an animation error. Did it happen right when you deployed a scav, or started driving an assualt tank? I had almost the same problem with 1.2. It was because I had without knowning it replaced the odf for the assualt tank.   :D


Lol, spawn, I think he means those Points you get for posting.
Me agrees with Spawn, will take up too much space, I heard the [E X C E P T I O N] part is the most useful part.

APCs r evil

Quote from: sabrebattletankjust a suggestion: you can get more points if you post the whole log.

So that's why you post the whole damn thing.

Bull Dog

25 points is the cap per post.