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Should the current private beta be released

Started by Jwk the Hemp Monkey, January 27, 2005, 10:56:21 AM

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Bull Dog

Quote from: OvermindDL1The current patch and its abilities can be summed up in one word.  'Amazing.'

You do that injustice OM. :-D  More like AWSOME, or Seventh Heaven, or TootW. Totally out of this World  Shoud I continue?


aircraft ai exists, you just gotta do something like use morphtank class and force morph i think


After reading this i still think that it is a good idea to publish it (maybe because my lack of knowleadge "what happened when the first beta arrived"). But why dont you do it like that:

Split up the Testing Areas :

Dev Team & Current Closed Beta testing Area
Everything as today
Second wve of Closed Beta users, indipendeant from the first group
They can use newer released Patches with the aim to find Bugs
All the rest of players

The second wave of testers should be somehow known to the devs or maybe alive on this board to get involved.
And yes I know the next "But what if..." Topic. I know that the patch will leak out of this, but somehow this might also to be solved...



oh, didnt know that... but still i would like to try the new Beta..

Bull Dog

Suggestion:  Do you guys think that perhaps GSH might sill feel some of the pain that you caused him when PB1 was released?  How about an apology?  How you don't have to mean it but, anyhow just an idea.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

it might result in some more spitting from GSH's direction...

but all that aside, whats the point in the current PB being tested? If you are not updated with at least a 'slightly behind private beta' what revalence does the testing bring. esp with comments like what bulldog and overmind said on this thread http://bzuniverse.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3785 . And now news that FE is not going to be converted 'because it would take effort'..i mean...it took effort to make FE in the first place. argh.....


It looks like most of the FE team are busy on their own mods.  Fishbone is working on Dune Command, Lizard is working on Flesh Storm, and Timvirus and Zeeder are working on Epic.  I'm sure they would rather work on their current mods than go back to update FE.  I too would love to see FE updated, especially single player because the save games will actually work now without aving every other save.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

ok, FE topic aside... lets try an focus on a specific question.

Is there any point in testing the current public beta when the private one is supposed to be so different.


JWK if you spent half as much time actually contributing in a positive way as you do whining you could probably have made your own FE to 1.3 conversion by now .


certain issues that are in the public beta are also in the private beta.
its just that simple


To those requesting that the current beta be released as PB2 I say, Don't get your panties in a bunch. There are still some things that we need to correct and/or thoroughly test before we release it. Just be content knowing that it is being worked on, especially after all the crap that was flung at GSH and the testers after PB1 (points at monkey).

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

QuoteJWK if you spent half as much time actually contributing in a positive way as you do whining you could probably have made your own FE to 1.3 conversion by now .

Who the hell do you think I am lizard? even without internet i have been hard at work for the last few months on bz2 related stuff continiously.

'whining'...jesus, what are you going to do next, critise me on my opinon about hovering or something equally padantic?

How about you make sure your analysis of other people is correct before you start making abrasive comments.

so, after that quick pointless detour, back to the subject at hand.

Why should i bother testing the current verison if it is so far behind? Can someone just answer that question?


Quote from: Jwk the Hemp Monkey
QuoteJWK if you spent half as much time actually contributing in a positive way as you do whining you could probably have made your own FE to 1.3 conversion by now .

Who the hell do you think I am lizard? even without internet i have been hard at work for the last few months on bz2 related stuff continiously.

'whining'...jesus, what are you going to do next, critise me on my opinon about hovering or something equally padantic?

How about you make sure your analysis of other people is correct before you start making abrasive comments.

so, after that quick pointless detour, back to the subject at hand.

Why should i bother testing the current verison if it is so far behind? Can someone just answer that question?

You are a fine one to get on your high horse pal considering the hootstorm you and others stirred up round here in the past , personally I couldn't care less about your opinion on anything , just don't ever expect any help from me with anything ever .

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

if i recall, the reason why the hoot storm started was because people started getting extremly agressive and insulting...which understandably makes more agression....vicious cycle.

Like with you right now, i have absolutly no idea why your suddenly being so fragrently agressive to me. Before those last few posts i had nothing for respect to you lizard. I even sent you a little 'welcome back!' friendly pm when i got my internet back a few days ago.

btw, i was on the anti-hover side....just thought i wouldn't let that little detail slip.

i mean....come on
Quoteyou and others
... me and 'others' ey? cause yes...there is some secret group that i am in a blood pack with to *over throw the bz2 modders*.


P.S. oh, and lets notforget my EVIL requests for help from you. God i am so selfish, you know...wanting to know how glow textures work...or how to edit map things. MAn i am just such a bastard!