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Stock Dunes 1.3 AV

Started by Ungodly, February 07, 2005, 10:15:46 PM

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Was playing stock 1.3 beta w/ this criteria:
-Dunes MPI
-3 other players
-I was a lackey
-We had them cornered and about ready to jungle rape the AI
-Targeted a rocket tank w/ my MDM mortar, fired and got this:

[ E X C E P T I O N ]
Patch 1.3 PublicBeta1 Feb 28 2004 11:57:13
Info: READING from E8E7FFE5h
004024FB +004B bzone.exe EXE AiPath.obj public: __thiscall AiPath::AiPath(class AiPath *)
EAX: 00000000h   CS: 0000001Bh  DS: 00000023h
EBX: 036086CCh  EIP: 004024FBh  ES: 00000023h
ECX: FFFFFFFFh   SS: 00000023h  FS: 0000003Bh
EDX: 0381D54Ch  EBP: 082444F6h  GS: 00000000h
ESI: 0045AF20h  ESP: 022CFD60h          
EDI: E8E7FFE5h                      
CF: 00210246h PF:0 AF:1 ZF:0 SF:1 OF:0
Entering critical shutdown


Hope this helps ... btw .. yes, my wife lets me play until 11:57 PM .. i really think it's her that causes AV's


Looks like a bug that has already been fixed.


So it's not my wife causing this ... you know i'm just looking for something i can tell her "I'm right" ... for once.


well, bz2 has been known to be pisst, and you could probablly blame anything on her and we could never prove you other wise :lol: