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Armor Types - Possable for new ones?

Started by Nielk1, November 19, 2006, 04:24:12 PM

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How many people, (other than Spawn)  :evil: actually KNOW how the various armor and shield combinations we currently have perform against all of the available weapons?

I doubt there are a dozen players with that kind of expertise, and even if I'm wrong....

How many 'new' races are there?  Are there going to be?  Are going to be playable vs the stock races?  Or playable vs other mod races?

Other than BZRAP I haven't heard of anyone really worried about making something work in a balanced manner with the stock races, or other mod races.

IOW rather than pound on GSH to add new armor or shield classes apply some creativity and make things work using what we have.  Here's an example:

Fleshstorm has the 'Swarm', a biological race that uses biometal.  We were discussing making a 'neutron' weapon that works against them, but not against the mechanical races.  The discussion ranged around setting up an invisible shield class or something, but there are other ways to do that.

For instance, make a dispenser class weapon that fires multiple poppers that fire sniper rounds.   Make sure the 'mechanical' race can't be sniped and boom, you've got a weapon that only works on the 'biological' component of a race, leaving the buildings and lighter vehicles intact and being ineffective against the heavier, better shielded units (walkers/asstanks).   I have such a weapon and I suck at weapons...  if I can do it anyone can... :)

Like RD says, think outside the box...


APCs r evil

The trouble is no matter what you do you are stuck with 6 armor classes. If you want to preserve the N, L, H, S, D and A armor classes and at the same time have a weapon that only does damage to the Swarm, that weapon would also damage any other building or unit that shared the armor class.

Think of it this way;

S = Stasis AND Swarm armor

If you want your weapon to damage only the Stasis shield, you couldn't do it because no matter what else you did it would also damage the Swarm.
