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Fe on 1.3 beta 3?

Started by doh224, January 15, 2007, 05:03:29 AM

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Red Devil

I have Styx MPI working okay.  AIP's still need some more work.  I still get the evrecycpu.odf and fvrecycpu.odf files not found messages (may be due to the map spawn points), but the Matriarch deploys and builds.
What box???


Red Devil, as I can obtain 4. Install Commando's latest FE13 install, you would give some Link me for it.  :|

Red Devil

I just made the entry for #4  a link in my previous post, so you can get Commando's files by clicking on it.
What box???

Red Devil

Forgot to mention that I removed my tweaked tracked units from the zip and replaced them with stock ones.  Mine weren't sticking to the ground very well.

Also, I'll be adding the Cerberi as a race choice.
What box???


Quote from: Red Devil on August 03, 2007, 11:59:25 AM
Also, I'll be adding the Cerberi as a race choice.
Ok, this I've got to see. We've been wanting to do that for a long time.

I'll give it some multiplayer runthrough tonight and maybe a little single player over the weekend as time permits. (I'm stuck playing Mr. Mom this weekend so I won't have much free time. :|)

You said "commando's latest FE13". I don't know if or when that has been updated. The last one I got was from your first FE MPI post several pages back. I have not updated it since. Is he updating that at all or at least since then?

On a side note: I've noticed some maps that should have water but the water is invisible. Hover ships still go over where the water should be. I first found this a while back when I made my first feeble attempts to bring some 1.2 maps up to 1.3. Apparently water and sky don't make the transition very well, and I'm not experienced enough to know why or fix it. I'll try to make a note of these as I see them from now on.

General BlackDragon


I Installed on PB3 the following:

FE Part 1
FE Patch 1
FE Rev B
FE Part 2
FE Rev C
FE Rev D
Commando's FEdata13.pak
Commando's FE13b47a.zip
RD-MPI-13 zip

is that correct?

*****General BlackDragon*****

Red Devil

I linked to his latest update, so if you install that (delete his older Fe13 folder first), you should be okay.

I thought I noticed missing water too on Styx, but it may just be me or it's the map (it may have to be edited using the 1.3 PB3 Editor and saved).  Water on Dunes shows up fine.

I got it to compile after adding the Cerberi on the 3rd try (typos), so now I'm making 28 Cerberi AIP's so it will find them. Ugh.  Should be done by the time you're ready tonight (if it works).  It compiling and it working are two different matters altogether.  :|

Being able to look after kids is a gift.  Make the most of it while you can.
What box???

Red Devil

Sounds good.  Or you can use the FE Full Installer instead of all the FE installs up to RevD.  If I remember correctly (been awhile...) I think you have to rename RevC folder to RevD.  Commando knows better than me.

Quote from: General BlackDragon on August 03, 2007, 02:48:28 PM

I Installed on PB3 the following:

FE Part 1
FE Patch 1
FE Rev B
FE Part 2
FE Rev C
FE Rev D
Commando's FEdata13.pak
Commando's FE13b47a.zip
RD-MPI-13 zip

is that correct?
What box???


I followed you're instructions exactly, and Styx DOES load, but my recycler nor the enemy team's recycler spawns. :(

Are there any server settings I should be using? ..or not using?
And remember, any problem caused by a tank can be solved by a tank.

Red Devil

Does your bzone.cfg/febzone.cfg look like this?

Do you have A RevD folder?

// Main config









   // Optional, for mods -- the ability to put pilots & savegames in
   // other directories. Commented out to simply demonstrate how to
   // do it.

What box???


And remember, any problem caused by a tank can be solved by a tank.

Red Devil

Then my instructions are wrong/unclear or you made an error in installing.


What box???

General BlackDragon

I think I am going to experiment with the following:

FE (same install process as 1.2), (FEP1, patch1, revB, FEP2, RevC, RevD)

Commando's FEdata13.pak
commandos fe13b47a
RDs mpi tweaks stuff

*****General BlackDragon*****

Red Devil

What box???

General BlackDragon

Commando told me to download it from his beta space...*shrugs*

*****General BlackDragon*****