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Fe on 1.3 beta 3?

Started by doh224, January 15, 2007, 05:03:29 AM

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Red Devil

Here's a shot of their base (so far) in an IA game:

What box???


can someone point me to a RevD link for FE?
also, how is this patch>> http://files.filefront.com//;6507918;;/ installed? this link is located on the first page of this topic by Commando.

Red Devil

There's a newer link of Commando's tweaks 5 pages back from this one.  Just point it to the root folder of your FE install to install it.

Not sure where there's a link to RevD.

I 'finished' making a very simplified install for Forgotten Enemies for 1.3 late last night.  One pak file and one FE addon folder.

Should be out by Christmas.

It went from this:






//   AddDirRecurse("@rootdir\bznes-fe");
//   AddDirRecurse("@rootdir\bznes-shared");





   // Optional, for mods -- the ability to put pilots & savegames in
   // other directories. Commented out to simply demonstrate how to
   // do it.


To this:




   // Optional, for mods -- the ability to put pilots & savegames in
   // other directories. Commented out to simply demonstrate how to
   // do it.

What box???

Red Devil

 I had an aggressive biopsy on my back yesterday for probable melanoma, so I'm on VicodinĂ¢,,¢ for a bit.  If things get (more) squirrelly, I'll turn my stuff over and go from there.

Moral of the story: Use waterproof sunscreen.  :roll:
What box???


Ouch!  Very sorry to hear that.
I hope it turns out negative.
Best wishes and good health.

Red Devil

Thanks, me too.  :|

In the meantime, I'm expanding on the giving-out-the-weapons-in-the-DLL-depending-on-what-exists thing.

What box???

Red Devil

Can anybody see any problems if I allow teams to recapture an object and add a timer to the Capture Object event?

That is, if you are able to stay near the object for 60 seconds (or whatever), you can take ownership of the object from the other team. 

Currently, if the item hasn't been captured yet and you take ownership, the other team can't capture it, so the only option left is for the enemy team to destroy it.

Also, currently, the capture object is a large (cool-looking) animated generator and I'm thinking of expanding its ability to unlock weapons if you own it.
What box???

Red Devil

Also, I could make that a shell option too.
What box???


I think both are good ideas.

For recapture it takes away most incentive to destroy the object (unless you just can't take it because it is too well defended...)

I also like the idea of enhanced weapons. I even suggested it a while back in another thread (a G66 thread actually).

I'm not sure how the two go together though. If you have enhanced weapons and then lose the capturable item, what happens to your weapon? Does it just dissapear from the armory but you keep whatever you already have? Can they be applied in the factory control panel? What happens to the factory control panel when it gets recaptured?

Oh, FYI. On the capturable item. I once captured it as a thug accidently. It was 20 power, but it did not apply to our base because it was not the commander who got it. Is there any way to reassign it to the team commander on capture? (We could probably have switched command. I didn't think of it at the time... Would that work?)

Red Devil

The weapons would just be a build requirement added to the weapons, so when your team own that building, you would be able to build those weapons, just like when you build a Stronghold or Armory.  Something like this:

requireCount = 3
requireName1 = "cbarmo"
requireText1 = "Build Dispenser Node"
requireName2 = "cbsbay"
requireText2 = "Build Regenerator"
requireName3 = "cbfact02"
requireText3 = "Upgrade Xenomator"
requireName4 = "CaptureableObject"
requireText4 = "Capture Alien Artifact!"

The object is just assigned to the team of the one who captured it.  Sounds like you somehow lost your team alliance, either through a code glitch or a resynch.
What box???

Red Devil

Anybody else have any input?

I'd like some input from you if you know something will be detrimental or if you have suggestions.

If you think it would be too much of a challenge, I can set flags to make the weapon countering optional.
What box???

Red Devil

Well, first run tonight was successful, even with some Vicodin.  :|
What box???

Red Devil

Startup turrets spawning? Check.

Crates spawning? Check.

Capture-able object being captured?  Check.

Portals working? Check.

Cerberi working? Check.

All races playable/opposable? Check.

Rampage units unhappy?  Hmmmm...

Cerberi AIP's need work? Check.

Weapon counters?  Yep.  If I don't get some input on that I'll probably wind up giving humans minis and the AI Shock Rockets.

What box???


Full installer: check(?)

-- GSH

Red Devil

*chuckles* Pretty much.  Just have to zip it is all.
What box???