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Fe on 1.3 beta 3?

Started by doh224, January 15, 2007, 05:03:29 AM

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Have tried Mega Mountain, in several different configurations.  Just tried it now and have the same error messages, and no recyclers.  Hmmmm....   :-(

Not sure where to put this question  - are there any "Extra Options" in Multiplayer that I should or shouldn't use?  Any that don't work at all and I should avoid?

Red Devil

Sorry, just saw this.

Might be the way you installed it.

All the Extra Options should work in the PB3 build.  Some aren't active unless you choose Normal or Hard Difficulty (Extra Options page 3).
What box???


No prob.  I was busy all weekend.   :-)

I followed the install instructions to the letter.  Also, researched install issues (i.e. folder names & renaming, files not being copied to the correct location, etc.).  All maps work in BZ2 1.2 w/FE Full install w/RevD, but I would like the maps to work with  1.3 PB3, and PB4 (when it arrives)   :wink:

If it would help, I can list my install procedure??


Red Devil

Yes, that would help a bunch.

Is your shortcut pointing to the PB3 FE install and using the provided .CFG file?

Also, if you can, do this:

1. Open up a command prompt and navigate to the root of your install.

2. Type in dir > bzinstall.txt

3. Open up that txt file, copy/paste it here.
What box???


Yes, to your first question.  (I am using your install file, version 5.)   :-)

The "Target:" line for the shoutcut is  "C:\Battlezone II\BZ2_1.3pb3_FE\bzone.exe" /config fe13bzone.cfg

The bzinstall.txt file is below.  Thank you for your time and help.

QuoteVolume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is 2CB0-4765

Directory of C:\Battlezone II\BZ2_1.3pb3_FE

10/31/2007  01:45 AM    <DIR>          .
10/31/2007  01:45 AM    <DIR>          ..
10/24/2007  12:56 AM    <DIR>          addon
10/21/2007  05:29 PM    <DIR>          addon_2007-10-24_0049
10/24/2007  04:41 PM    <DIR>          data
10/24/2007  12:56 AM    <DIR>          Extras
10/24/2007  03:20 PM    <DIR>          FE13
10/26/2007  02:54 PM    <DIR>          FE13_MPI_Assets
10/24/2007  12:56 AM    <DIR>          FEaddon
10/26/2007  05:03 PM    <DIR>          FEpilots
10/21/2007  05:29 PM    <DIR>          FEpilots.bak
10/24/2007  04:13 PM    <DIR>          FEsaved
10/24/2007  12:50 AM    <DIR>          FEsaved.bak
10/26/2007  05:00 PM    <DIR>          GameStats
10/25/2007  11:16 AM    <DIR>          logs
10/26/2007  02:54 PM    <DIR>          missions
10/24/2007  04:43 PM    <DIR>          movies
10/25/2007  10:55 AM    <DIR>          pilots
10/24/2007  03:03 PM    <DIR>          RevD
10/24/2007  12:56 AM    <DIR>          saved
10/21/2007  05:29 PM    <DIR>          saved_2007-10-24_0049
10/22/2005  08:45 PM             1,223 !Installation instructions for Rev.D.txt
10/24/2007  12:49 AM           163,840 7zxa.dll
10/26/2007  05:05 PM            26,994 BATTLEZONE.log
11/29/1999  09:27 PM             2,559 battlezone2.ifr
10/22/2003  11:05 PM            17,321 BetaBalance-RevC.doc
10/21/1999  04:06 PM           176,128 binkw32.dll
12/03/1999  05:27 PM         4,823,463 bumps.pak
10/21/2001  04:57 AM               164 bz2cp.url
10/24/2007  12:49 AM         2,977,792 bz2edit.exe
10/24/2007  12:49 AM            44,779 bz2edit.exp
10/24/2007  12:49 AM            74,678 bz2edit.lib
10/24/2007  12:49 AM         2,811,796 bz2edit.sym
10/21/2007  05:30 PM           233,088 BZII.isu
10/31/2007  01:48 AM                 0 bzinstall.txt
12/08/1999  06:30 PM             2,536 bznList
10/24/2007  12:49 AM               862 bzone.cfg
10/24/2007  12:49 AM         3,186,688 bzone.exe
10/24/2007  12:49 AM            44,775 bzone.exp
10/09/1999  04:23 PM            11,944 BZONE.FNT
10/24/2007  12:49 AM            74,058 bzone.lib
12/18/1999  02:41 AM         2,147,234 bzone.map
10/24/2007  12:49 AM         2,847,482 bzone.sym
10/24/2007  12:49 AM               862 bzone_cfg.WDCORG
10/24/2007  12:50 AM            53,000 ChangeLog.txt
10/24/2007  12:50 AM           318,413 ChangeLog_pb1.txt
10/24/2007  12:50 AM           171,458 ChangeLog_pb2.txt
10/09/1999  04:23 PM             4,140 Collision.cfg
12/07/2001  01:32 PM               262 CP_IX_info.txt
12/18/1999  06:33 PM       298,494,101 data.pak
10/09/1999  04:23 PM           114,688 dkupddlld.dll
04/19/2002  03:41 AM             1,486 FE Patch 1.01.txt
02/25/2007  06:36 PM               915 FE13bzone.cfg
12/06/2002  10:35 PM           697,014 febz.bmp
01/27/2002  01:42 AM               105 FeBz.bzm
11/06/2003  07:35 PM             2,594 FeBz.dat
06/13/2002  11:53 PM           339,968 FeBz.exe
10/24/2007  04:43 PM             4,840 FeBz.log
11/06/2003  07:44 PM               192 FeBz2.bzm
05/07/2007  11:43 PM               829 FEbzone.cfg
11/05/2003  10:01 PM               587 FEbzone_cfg.WDCORG
10/22/2005  08:49 PM               624 FEbzone_cfg.WDCORG_D
05/13/2007  09:40 AM               946 FEbzone_cfg.WDCORG_FE13b47a
03/27/2003  12:03 PM       199,308,550 fedata.pak
10/11/2001  04:59 PM             1,398 FEVehicles.txt
10/09/1999  04:23 PM           126,976 FFC10p.dll
11/02/1999  09:49 AM             1,641 files
10/09/1999  04:23 PM               330 fps.cfg
12/18/1999  01:33 AM                34 insertcd.txt
12/07/1999  09:57 AM                56 lgtex.pak
11/03/1999  12:03 PM             6,944 license.txt
10/26/2007  05:05 PM             1,775 log.ini
12/07/1999  09:57 AM                56 mdtex.pak
12/10/1999  05:34 PM             1,001 MPVehicles_txt.old
10/24/2007  12:49 AM            56,503 nettips.rtf
10/24/2007  12:50 AM               265 nettips.txt
10/24/2007  12:50 AM        62,561,354 patch13.pak
12/19/1999  04:36 PM           103,541 readme.rtf
10/24/2007  12:49 AM            25,421 Readme13.rtf
10/24/2007  12:49 AM             5,168 render.cfg
10/24/2007  12:49 AM             5,444 render_editor.cfg
06/14/2002  11:39 PM             5,632 RevBpatch.doc
11/06/2003  07:55 PM               561 revcread.txt
12/07/1999  09:55 AM        13,534,535 smtex.pak
12/18/1999  08:41 PM                44 texture.dat
10/26/2007  05:05 PM             8,252 UserPrefs
              65 File(s)    595,631,909 bytes



Sorry to interrupt with such a dumb question, but will installing as you have instructed make single player FE work with 1.3 ?

Red Devil

Not sure what the problem is, Viper.  You using Mod manager to launch FE?

Blewyn, yes, SP works on my end.
What box???


This is the same thing i kept PMing you about a while back. Never did get it working...

Has anyone been able to get this working that isn't on the dev team for it?
Maybe there's something still missing in the zip?

Red Devil

I had made another clean install of everything after that and it worked for me, so I'm thinking it must be the maps or install glitch.
What box???

Red Devil

I think I'll simplify the installer like I did for PB4 (combine fedata.pak, FEaddon, RevD, FE13, and FE13_MPI_Assets into one Pak file and have one FE13addon for the maps):

1 Pak file
1 folder
1 CFG file.
What box???

Red Devil

Does your Start in: entry have the same path as the Target?
What box???

Red Devil

 I just tried FE13 again on Mega Mountain and it worked correctly, so that make me think install problem or

Hmmmm... just found something.   :roll:  I'll upload another zip later on today.
What box???

Red Devil

Yep, found the problem.  Gonna take a break to eat and watch some tube, then I'll upload everything.
What box???


Thanks for all your help.

The answer to your questions:

1. I am not currently using MM5, but I have in the past and can do so again.
2. Start In: entry does have the same path as the Target.



You could always toss in my launcher exe (direct link) at this forum post that I made quite a while back.  Just rename the exe to two different files, one would be FE13bzone.exe and the other would be FE13bzone.edit.exe.  Since the fe 1.3's config file name is FE13bzone.cfg, that is what will be launched when those are run.  When .edit. is in the name then it runs the bz2 editor version instead.  Any command line parameters passed to it are also passed to BZ2, you just never need to pass the /config with that.