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Fe on 1.3 beta 3?

Started by doh224, January 15, 2007, 05:03:29 AM

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Red Devil,

Thank you.  I will give it a try later today.


Red Devil

Okay, the zip is uploaded.
What box???

Red Devil

Weird.  For some reason, the FE ISDF skins aren't being picked up.  Might have to move them to afolder outside the Pak.  :|
What box???


Hey RD, a localize.odf in the FE_PB3.pak says the following:

(GamespyVersionStr = "1.3pb3a")

you may want to fix this.  :-D


nope. didn't work. No more error messages in the console. But the recyclers still don't show up on the map. I can simply delete the dll and it acts exactly the same way, which tells me that for some reason it doesn't call the dll.

Red Devil

Which map(s) are you trying, ST?

WF, good find.  Since the Pak file is searched before addon, that one overrides it.  Try copying the one from addon\config into FE_PB3_Maps.  I'll do that too.
What box???

Red Devil

Just finished an MPI Mega Mountain using a clean install, so I know it works.

Not all maps in the map list are FE maps, so they may not work as expected.

Please list all the maps that you have problems with.

What box???

Red Devil

Really, really strange....

Some maps always spawn a Hadean AI Recycler and others spawn the correct AI Recycler.
What box???

Red Devil

Found it.  The code where the teams are set was inside a loop where the path points are read in (old FE MPI code), and since the path points aren't read in the same order for each map, BLAMMO!, the teams were switched according to which path point was read in last.

So, I moved it outside the loop and the correct Recyclers are spawned now according to which race we select in the shell.


I thought we were all going cuckoo there for awhile.  :roll:

I'll post the fix soon.
What box???

Red Devil

Works beautifully now (darn it).  Was play as EDF against Scion.  I had them hemmed in and was about to jump them when they broke out and wiped me out.

I'm uploading it now.  273MB, done a little over an hour from now.
What box???

Red Devil

I just finished condensing all the FE stuff into one Pak file (with a separate, uncompressed, fFE_PB3_Maps folder for the .BZN files).

It's uploaded now and will take about an hour to download (at 1.5 MB/second).


* EDF Skins work.
* Correct Recycler spawns according to race selected.
* Added Monster path points to Clay Ridge

If you have installed FE for PB3 before, if you like, you can safely delete the FE13_MPI_Assets folder, the FE13 folder, the RevD folder, and the FEaddon folder from your install.

Forgotten Enemies for 1.3 PB3


Just unzip it to your PB3 folder.   :-)

Zip size is 273,363MB.

Contents are:

FE_PB3.pak  - 272,713KB <--- Main Pak file
FE_PB3_Maps - 33.3MB <----- BZN map folder
FE_PB3.cfg - 1KB  <---------- CFG to use on command line             
RevC-BZNES-Fix.zip - 20KB  <- Provided it for those using BZNES

What box???


Hi Red Devil

I am a noob for this FE 1.3Pb3 & have been watching this space to see how its going. Would like to give it a shot as I see there is a Zip file now to download but could you briefly tell me in what order I have to go about installing all this cause at present I just have a fresh installation of BZ2 1.3Pb3 but am confused as to why the 'FE_PB3.pak' is 272Mb? Is this the FE full install or is it all the changes you have had to make?


its the full FE... i downloaded the OLDER version this morning gaaaaaaaaah... it DID start to mess up and none of the missions worked... hope they is fixed now

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

Red Devil

All you need is an install of BZ2, 1.3 PB3, and this zip.

1. Install 1.3 PB3 over a BZ2 install.  If you already have PB3 installed, you can skip this step.
2. Unzip this FE_PB3.zip file to the root of your 1.3 PB3 install.
3. Add '/config FE_PB3.cfg' (minus quotes) to your shortcut.

    Example shortcut: "C:\Program Files\BZ2PB3\bzone.exe" /config FE_PB3.cfg

4. Play.

It's not necessary to install any older versions of FE as all of them and the new files have been combined.
What box???

Red Devil

Seems I forgot a little detail... That being the SP DLL's  :roll:

Small (3MB) download fix. 

Edit: Delete your old FE_PB3_Maps folder first, then just unzip this to your install's root and it will place the files in the appropriate folder in your root.

SP Fix
What box???