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Fe on 1.3 beta 3?

Started by doh224, January 15, 2007, 05:03:29 AM

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Red Devil

Me. I had the names one character longer than they could be.   :roll:   It's the little things in life that bring you the most joy - and vex you the most.

I'm refactoring all the 3-way AIP's now to balance the attacks (Titans/Krahanos/Walkers against GT's, Archers/Atlas/APC's against Power), and like that.

I think I'll increase the damage done by the Assault Laser.  Just had a Locust take out one of my Walkers.  It is/i] a Walker after all and not some puny little pissant unit.
What box???

Red Devil

In this refactoring (which is very interesting for 3-ways), instead of having the AI just build a complete base independent upon what the other guys are doing, I'm making it dependent upon what the other guys are doing, which complicates matters, but it will escalate the attacks accordingly.

For example, you are EDF:

If you don't build much, the AI will keep hammering everybody else's pools with Drones and Xypos and take them over.  You don't like that much, so you build a Factory to make some tanks and it will change the attackers to Sentries and Xares.  Build an Armory, and it will change the attackers to heavier units and will keep escalating as you escalate things until the tops of the tech trees are reached.

Currently, the pools are under fairly constant attack, so the scrap capacities of each side are always in a state of flux, so you need to be ready to build something when your scrap level is where you need it, so it either keeps you on your toes or on your tail.   :evil:

As said before, I gave the Scions and Hadeans some air defense and all sides ST's, so you can't just rely on your Bomber any more to pulverize them if you're EDF because they can shoot it down and, if they miss, the base is rebuilt and repaired pronto.

"It's all about the scrap."
What box???


Will renaming the files also fix the MPI AI issues (i.e. Enemy recyclers deploying and only building scavs)?

Just curious.   :-)

Red Devil

That will probably help, but there were other issues too.
What box???


RD do you have plans of incorporating the Scions ability to use jammers? I know up until 1.3 they were never effective and you could still target the Scion buildings etc even when jammers were used! 1.3 however made it extremely difficult in IA or anything battle versus Scions to target any building or structures until the jammers were taken out!

Great to hear the Scions & hadeans will have air defences  :-D and also the refactoring of the 3 way sounds really interesting.

Thanks again

Red Devil

Yes, I tried the Jammers right off the bat in this and it made it a real challenge to get a win, so I commented them out to make testing easier.  I'll put them back in when I'm done.

I'm not going to spend much more time on this due to exciting developments in PB4, so I need to spend more time on PB4 and the PB4 version of FE (which rocks).
What box???

Ego - Nikolas

Red Devil

Anybody have any objections to me adding more staging points to maps?

1.2 allowed up to 4 and PB3 allows up to 32.
What box???


you mean thsoe specialist points like gspire1 etc?

i have no worries with that... especially if it improves the gameplay :D

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


No.  I believe the points are named stage# or Stage#.  For example stage1, stage2, stage3, stage4, etc.

Red Devil

Adding more will allow attacks to come from many more random directions.

What I see on the 3-way maps is, due to the limit of 4 staging areas, is that the AI traveling across the map to get to one, only to find units from the other AI team there, a battle ensues, and most of the base attacking units are destroyed before they can attack bases.
What box???


I get duplicate files messege apon start up.

Something about BZ2 not being able to load same named files on different hierarchies. I will ignore for now and try to play anyway.
There is no knowledge that is not power.


The duplicate files appear to have caused a error. I will delete the ones under SP, since Multiplayer is all I'm interested for tonight.

My pic didn't show so I'll type the duplicate files indicated.

"                              "EDF04
"                              "EDF04
"                              "EDF06
"                              "EDF06
"                              "EDF07
"                              "EDF07 
There is no knowledge that is not power.

Red Devil

Oh man...  Sorry about that.  :|  I'll clean it up on my end.  Delete the dupes in the Multiplayer folder for now.
What box???


Yea it's the same on the new install I just made for it too. Also it's not just the ones that it says when you try to play, it's all same named files in SP and Multiplayer. It appears to be a whole lot of files. I will stop trying to catch up to the problem by deleting files and let you do what you're going to do first.
There is no knowledge that is not power.