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Fe on 1.3 beta 3?

Started by doh224, January 15, 2007, 05:03:29 AM

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Sorry Correction:
Im playing on a /nodxt limit and I noticed that every time I try to go against a scion ship i get BSOD'd
This been happening to anyone else.


Thnx RD. We owe you another one.

Red Devil

Thanks. Most of the credit goes to Commando though (but I'll take what I can get).  :-)
What box???


Hey Red, were you on just now. I saw a game Labeled "1.3bp3a" with a guy named "Red_Devil" as host.
Anyhow, keeep up the good work. :-D

Red Devil

Thanks.  Can you play against/as Scion and ISDF in PB3?  Others were having trouble with that.
What box???


I can't play against scion, gives me a BSOD, I think I can play as Isdf, playing as a FS Blackdog is close enough right.


More testing

I played 3-way subterfuge as scion.
(this map was one of four that were broken as Scion on 1.2. It caused a fatal error when you chose Scion. Now it generates a popup console but continues (1.3 is more tollerant probably). I made a patch for these four broken maps a few years ago but it did not get widely distributed.

1. The scrap bar seems to be wider than normal.
2. When the map is in map view, it overlays part of the scrap bar and makes it hard to read (maybe a resolution specific problem)
3. I was able to see the entire map on radar fairly early in the build, probably from the beginning. Radar is set for whole world maybe?
4. I was able to build two (and more) Antenna Mounds and upgrade them. The building count is off on that one.

I did a full base build, but did not get into the units or weapons much. I'll do that next.

Red Devil

1..3:  Sure am glad you're giving this feedback.. Some of my personal .cfg's and .odf's slipped in there, so I'll remove those.  Sorry about that.

I'll check the Antenna Mound.

Thanks again.
What box???



Scion on 3-way Canyon X. Another of the broken maps.

The enemy did not attack much. There was an initial tank and turret from EDF, then nothing. The Hadean sent an occasional hedoux but not much else. The AIP were not doing anything. On other maps (as EDF) I was getting much more action. There was a message on startup about missing AIP but I did not catch it all.

My goal was to put every weapon into every ship (via armory, I didn't use the factory panel). I almost did it.
1. At first when I was in my first sentry, I could not pick up Blink or Absorb (drove right through the crate). After I switched out ships, I ordered it to pick them up and it did. In a later Sentry, I was able to pick up everything.

2. Seeker (from sentry) seemed to have the light source below the actual body of the seeker, sort of a snowman effect.

3. Lancer could not pick up Prox Mine crate, either piloted or under orders.

4. The EDF Recycler had a strange name in the target menu "ibrecy_m Recycler"

5. The titan was a bit squishy under service. It seemed to bounce into the ground a bit.

6. Ion 1 seems very weak against Absorbtion. I presume it is supposed to be like that?

Otherwise, all weapons seem to work as advertised.

I'll try scion on a non-broken map and see if the AIP work there.


Canyon X seems to error for any race selection. It complains about missing path points hold1 through hold6 in HOLD plan.

Other maps do not generate these errors and do provide good enemy AIP.

On 3Way scrap pit as scion, I could not reproduce the seeker anomaly. The time I saw it before was when I deployed it over the EDF service bay. I thought that might have something to do with it. This time it centered properly everywhere, even on the EDF service may.

Something I've never seen before, an EDF RT came climbing over the cliff and fell into the back of my base. It then fired some strange white balls that moved very slowly and did not seem to do much. they timed out after a few seconds and disappeared. I don't know if they were failed missils or something new.

And the scavs just would not keep scavenging. They would go a little, maybe find one scrap, then stop. I would order them to scavenge and they would go a little and stop again.

Red Devil

Thanks Marksman, I'll address these right now.

I'll add those missing path points to Canyon X.

I've been working on the Hadean AIP's and I just need to ask you one question: Are you *surrrre* you want them working?

The Seeker issue may have been due to a resynch.  Have any?

Gotta reduce the traction of the RT's a bit...  :-)  That missile may have been an FE crate picked up as it exits the Factory.

The only time I see Scavs not scavenge is when their tanks and the scrap meter is full.

Sorry about the Recycler name.  I had named it that so I could easily tell which ones were in the game.

The crate pickup issue may be due to resynchs.

Thanks again for the feedback.  I'll post an updated zip soon.
What box???


Pit stop  ( cpmpit.bzn )
Two players, EDF vs EDF.

Just before the [EXCEPTION] is an error concerning the rec .ODF ( evrecycpu ? .odf )
It looks like there was a strange character between the name and the suffix (in notepad it was a box). When I pasted it here, it turned into a line break.

Also got a AV  as scion. Did manage to get in successfully as EDF vs hadean, but hadean never built a base, had error messages in the console concerning missing path points for base objects (kiln, antenna, etc.)

DIAG|GLOBAL          |            runcodes:153  |22:37:44|1674297|[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
DIAG|GLOBAL          |               ifvar:41   |22:37:44|1674360|Var[script.record.name] Ctrl[NewMove] needs to be resolved
DIAG|GLOBAL          |               ifvar:41   |22:37:44|1674469|Var[scrap.supply] Ctrl[Gauge] needs to be resolved
DIAG|GLOBAL          |               ifvar:41   |22:37:44|1674469|Var[scrap.supply] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|GLOBAL          |            meshread:2115 |22:37:48|1678078|Missing binary mesh igbolt00.xsi, use XSI
ERR |GLOBAL          |              bitmap:3926 |22:37:48|1678875|Can't load texture hb0003.bmp.
ERR |GLOBAL          |              bitmap:3926 |22:37:48|1678875|Can't load texture hb0003.bmp.
ERR |GLOBAL          |              bitmap:3926 |22:37:48|1678875|Can't load texture hb0003.bmp.
ERR |GLOBAL          |     GameObjectClass:1231 |22:37:49|1679110|ERROR: Object "evrecycpu
.odf" does not exist

ERR |Debug           |               debug:765  |22:37:50|1680110|[ E X C E P T I O N ]
ERR |GLOBAL          |              i76win:80   |22:37:50|1680110|Patch 1.3pb3 Aug 10 2006 07:49:33
ERR |Debug           |               debug:885  |22:37:50|1680110|Type: ACCESS VIOLATION
ERR |Debug           |               debug:886  |22:37:50|1680110|Info: READING from 00000014h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:410  |22:37:50|1680110|CallStack:
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |22:37:50|1680110|0048DBE8 +0031 bzone.exe EXE GameObjectClass.obj float __fastcall AdjustedMaxHealth(int,class GameObjectClass *)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |22:37:50|1680110|0048A599 +02F8 bzone.exe EXE GameObject.obj public: virtual void __thiscall GameObject::Load(void)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |22:37:50|1680110|0047A89F +00F8 bzone.exe EXE Craft.obj public: virtual void __thiscall Craft::Load(void)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |22:37:50|1680110|004AFE84 +015C bzone.exe EXE TurretTank.obj public: virtual void __thiscall TurretTank::Load(void)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |22:37:50|1680110|004894C1 +04BA bzone.exe EXE GameObject.obj public: static void __fastcall GameObject::LoadAll(void)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |22:37:50|1680110|00504DE9 +0234 bzone.exe EXE LoadSaveGame.obj int __fastcall LoadGame(char *,int)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |22:37:50|1680110|00504AB9 +0098 bzone.exe EXE LoadSaveGame.obj int __fastcall LoadGame(char *)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |22:37:50|1680110|00460E21 +0333 bzone.exe EXE InitHandler.obj public: static void __fastcall InitHandler::Process(void)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |22:37:50|1680110|00600B26 +0136 bzone.exe main runcodes.obj public: void __thiscall RunCodes::Process(void)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |22:37:50|1680110|758B56EC +758B56EC [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown]
ERR |Debug           |               debug:433  |22:37:50|1680110|Registers:
ERR |Debug           |               debug:434  |22:37:50|1680110|EAX: 00000000h   CS: 00000023h  DS: 0000002Bh
ERR |Debug           |               debug:435  |22:37:50|1680110|EBX: 0B66CF78h  EIP: 0048DBE8h  ES: 0000002Bh
ERR |Debug           |               debug:436  |22:37:50|1680110|ECX: 00000001h   SS: 0000002Bh  FS: 00000053h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:437  |22:37:50|1680110|EDX: 00000002h  EBP: 0269FB20h  GS: 0000002Bh
ERR |Debug           |               debug:438  |22:37:50|1680110|ESI: 0000042Eh  ESP: 0269FB1Ch           
ERR |Debug           |               debug:439  |22:37:50|1680110|EDI: 0B66D36Ch                       
ERR |Debug           |               debug:449  |22:37:50|1680110| CF: 00010212h PF:0 AF:0 ZF:1 SF:0 OF:0
DIAG|Main            |            mainproc:158  |22:37:50|1680110|Entering critical shutdown

Also noticed on several MPI that the pilots jump really high when you press E.
Som RECy options do not work. Will get more detailed list soon.


I'm looking into MPI now.

First things noticed. When selecting an MPI, the number of players and the MWF both default to 1, which is kind of inconvenient if you don't remember to change them.

I tried some of the recycler variants on the first MPI page. Some generated errors going into the game. I'll have to make a list of which ones. Would that be by race also or generally the same for any race?

I guess it would be useful to know what combinations are lilely to be similar in behavior and not necessary for repetition in testing. Like  Map by my race by enemy race by REC variant by any other settings. what combinations don't need duplication in testing?

Red Devil

Sorry about that.  I'll reset the MWF settings.

I hadn't tested any of the variants with FE yet.  Maybe you have, Commando?
What box???


Trying some MPI.

picked first map, ammo2go. ISDF vs Scion. First MPI specific recy variant.

Got these errors on startup:
ERR |GLOBAL          |              bitmap:3926 |18:36:54|121313 |Can't load texture hb0003.bmp.
ERR |GLOBAL          |              bitmap:3926 |18:36:54|121313 |Can't load texture hb0003.bmp.
ERR |GLOBAL          |              bitmap:3926 |18:36:54|121313 |Can't load texture hb0003.bmp.
ERR |GLOBAL          |     GameObjectClass:1231 |18:36:56|123000 |ERROR: Object "evrecycpu
.odf" does not exist

WARN|GLOBAL          | ParticleRenderClass:345  |18:36:58|124657 |ERROR: Effect "fbgu_c.twirl" has no base class specified

Again, the evrecycpi?.odf extra strange character.

The enemy base did not build. The scion rec was planted, made a few scavs but did not do any more.

As a pilot, I can jump very high. Not the normal pilot jump.

On previous FE MPI (in 1.2) the third race would come in about when you made your first gun tower and increase as you make more. This time it does not seem to do that. The third race comes in on a timer or something and comes in force. What are the conditions and scale for this now?

I picked one rampage in the setup unit but never saw any.

Some of the enemy gardians were not paying attention very well. I could drive right up to them and shoot them and they would not respond. they did not seem to be watching anything specific, just staring off into the ground somewhere.